Unable to Start "Awakening the Machine"

Same issue

Exact same for me

That doesn’t address the fact he is a quest turn in NPC for more than just the Awakening the Machine quest/awakened cache rewards. I now have 2 quests for him that I can’t turn in

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Same issue. Can’t turn in “Shadow-Hardened Mainspring” quest with him either.

Still having this issue… sigh…

“Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?”

Saw it posted this does not unlock until the 3rd month in??

You’d think Blizzard would communicate more clearly what is and is not available, instead of having it ON THE MAP and making it look like we can do it already.

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Adding my inability to complete either Awakening the Machine or turn in the Spring quest.

  • Awakening the Machine in Ringing Deeps: Speaker Kuldas cannot be interacted with as of the Early Access, which means you cannot enter the Awakening the Machine scenario. This means you cannot loot the four chests next to him, nor complete the weekly quest

Same issue.

Same issue

same issue… i hope blizzard has compensation in mind… massive waste of time…

Add my name to the list

Same here, unfortunately

hey 400M people are already wasting time commenting “same here” but… same here

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and its not true as we can all see it is still bugged 8/26/2024 4:15 PM PST

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I just got “Shadow-Hardened Mainspring” 5 minutes ago, went to turn in and can’t. Not early access anymore.

Still bugged -_-

same bug…still cannot talk with khadgar!!!

I couldn’t during EA, also still can’t after full launch. Come on Blizzard!!