It is not possible to interact with Speaker Kuldas in Gundargaz.
I am also having the same issue
Same issue here.
Same here.
Same issue, I got the daily quest to do this awakening the machine and I cannot interact with Speaker Kuldas
I am also having issues with Speaker Kuldas for the “Gearing Up for Trouble” and “Shadow-Hardened Mainspring” quests.
Haing the same issue
Also having this issue.
Adding another to the issue.
Having the same problem, also I got a quest item drop to go speak to Kuldas in ADDITION to the Awakening the Machine quest, and neither can be done.
Quests are “Gearing Up for Trouble” and “Shadow-Hardened Mainspring,” it’s like the Speaker Kuldas that’s spawned is the wrong version of the NPC we need to speak to.
This is kind of annoying since Awakening the Machine’s rewards are nerfed for these first weeks of release as well.
I’m having the same issue
same issue here
Same issue here.
Same issue, hope it’s resolved soon
Same issue here as well
Same issue here I can’t interact with him.
Same issue. reload UI and restart game didn’t fix. neither did disabling add-ons.
Same problem. Its blocking my progress.
Same problem
Same here.