Darth is correct. They are no longer allowed to give a day for tokens like they used to. Granted what I’m about to link is geared towards WotLKC (because of how if one is trying use their Wrath Classic gold for a token, they need to be proactive in purchasing it and activating it before a player’s sub runs out), but most, if not all, donated game time was given to gather up gold, pool it all on one character and make that purchase of a token. The person posted the response from a GM when they asked for a day’s game time in order to purchase a token where their gold was on their Wrath Classic folks. And it was denied.
They’ve negated the need for it entirely on Retail since when things work as they should - all things can be done through the character/store screen upon login.
But as for the OP’s issue? Hopefully their ticket will be addressed soon or one of the SFAs can offer some insight when they return to the office several hours from now.