I have an „Inactive“ account (sub expired, I forgot to buy token day before expiration) and even though my main toon has enough gold for a token It will not allow me to purchase one. I click resubscribe and It gives me the option to purchase a token with gold, but tells me I don’t have enough gold when I am certain I do have enough gold.
I know tokens fluctuate a lot, and the price has gone above the gold I have on my toon, but as of the time of this post I have enough gold, and many times throughout the past few days the token has dropped enough in price where I have an extra 10-20k gold to spare after taking into account the token’s price. However It still says „not enough gold“ when trying to resubscribe.
Also, yes, I have purchased game time/subscription with real money multiple times since the change. I have even purchased game time/subscription recently within the past few months.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Just to get the obvious culprits out of the way -
None of the gold you’re intending to use is stored in a personal guild bank, correct? It’s all sitting on your main/characters that are together on a single realm?
And secondly - you’re trying to do this on retail, correct? Not WotLKC?
Yes, correct. It’s all sitting on the warrior I am posting on, with maybe ~1k extra gold on a druid on the same realm.
I am trying to this on retail, not Wotlk.
Does it include gold you might have in mail? I’ll mail you like 50k just to make sure you have more than enough
I may have quite a bit of gold in the mail (lots of auctions up, including some expensive pets), but the lump sum on my toon is ~272k gold in my bags.
I appreciate the offer of kindness, but I don’t think I can accept mail without an active subscription 
I’d try opening a ticket – in the past Blizzard’s offered a day or two to sort your affairs, though it’ll be a one-time event.
I think Problem with Purchase would work best?
This is assuming there’s enough gold in your mailbox to cover a token.
I’ve actually had a ticket open for a couple of days with no response. I forget the category I had opened It under, as the process to open a ticket was confusing. I figured I’d try my luck here for some results.
Just to clarify; 100% of the gold needed for the token is in my bags. I just may or may not have even more gold in my mailbox from auctions I had put on the night of my subscription ending.
I’ve also never had this issue in the past when purchasing tokens in this manner.
I believe blizzard stoped doing that when the trading post started.
One other thing to be mindful of is that the gold is drawn from all characters on a given realm, even if you have enough sitting on one character.
I’m not sure if it is something they patched out recently as I haven’t seen it brought up lately, but it used to be that the option would not prompt if it left a character at zero currency.
Darth is correct. They are no longer allowed to give a day for tokens like they used to. Granted what I’m about to link is geared towards WotLKC (because of how if one is trying use their Wrath Classic gold for a token, they need to be proactive in purchasing it and activating it before a player’s sub runs out), but most, if not all, donated game time was given to gather up gold, pool it all on one character and make that purchase of a token. The person posted the response from a GM when they asked for a day’s game time in order to purchase a token where their gold was on their Wrath Classic folks. And it was denied.
They’ve negated the need for it entirely on Retail since when things work as they should - all things can be done through the character/store screen upon login.

But as for the OP’s issue? Hopefully their ticket will be addressed soon or one of the SFAs can offer some insight when they return to the office several hours from now.
My ticket was answered, and surprisingly they gave me a day of game time to buy the token in the AH.
Specialist GM Verdaniih here, I hope you’re doing well today!
I’ve found your ticket and managed to have a look over it, it seems you had some problems with reacrivating your account, I know that must be confusing for you.
After checking everything out now this is likely to being too close to the cost of the token and the system not allowing it, or that there is not enough tokens on the Auction House to allow it to be reactivated from the character selection screen.
The fact the price has jumped up by over 10k would show a low supply of tokens. I have though been able to add a day of time to your account to allow you to access the AH ingame to buy the token.
I really hope that this helps you and that the rest of your day is awesome! 
Best wishes
Issue has been resolved and I appreciate all of the responses and assistance!
Just be aware this is likely a one-time thing. Cheers!