I transfered 50 of the 20th Anniversary coins from 1 character to another , as well as 8000 Timewalk tokens. A few hours later I went to buy mounts and other items and realzied the level limitation on the mounts. I sent 5000 Timewalk tokens back to my lvl 80 with no issue. I transfered the 20th anniversary coins, which SAID in progress when nothign happened and I tried again. 4 hours later, I checked and no coins on either character.
So, I went through the support ticket system. Lost item is a redirect on 1 end, and an item restoration option of which currency is not listed. I opted to try for in-game issue in anotehr route, but none of it seems to apply and I felt lying and making a BS ticket to circumvent that was trashy and a sign that you need to work on that system. So how do I open a ticket for this issue? How do I get my 50 coins back that are floating in limbo?
It was moved from the Support to Bug report forums because it is indeed, a bug that CS cannot assist with as of now as it requires developer intervention. If they can find the cause and fix it + allow the restoration of various currencies.
You don’t open a ticket for a bug. You report it in the Bug Report Forum, or by using the Report A Bug feature in-game.
Part of the bug fix process is restoring items which are lost. That’s one of the many reasons why you don’t open a ticket to a GM. If they were to restore the items, then the bug fix comes in after trying to restore them again, then it can cause complications.
If the bug is fixed and the items do not get restored, then you can see if a GM can restore the items. But they need to fix it first.
Ill try that. I did not think of it as a bug, so the idea did not cross my mind. I assumed I had done soemthing incorrectly as I recently returned for classic and started Retail last week when the read about the event in tanaris