Unable to buy WoW Token

Or, subscribe for a month.


I actually get why they do this. If you could just use gold for Bnet balance without WoW game time, people could do even more damage with compromised Battlenet accounts. Gain access to other paid games or features to spam and bot there. It at least keeps it limited to one game, at first. Hopefully time to stop the bad actor.

Restrictions are almost always because somebody did something malicious, engaged in fraud, abused systems. Just like ridiculous warnings on packages are because someone actually DID that.


Not sure if serious, but spend $30 on game time to use gold to get $15 of BNet Balance? Huh?

And what happened to the $30 game time purchases?

I couldn’t disagree more. They are handcuffing honest customers because they can’t get a handle on account compromises? But let’s not deviate into the politics of policy. I’ve got what I needed and will try the ticket route to possibly get access to my WoW gold (however unlikely that might be). I am curious, though, about what happened to the 30 day game cards.

More like the policy is due to account comprimises yes. But blame customers who got their accounts compromised. Blizzard did not do that to them.


If you buy game time only, then yes it is 29.99$ for 60 days.

You can still subscribe with a credit card for 14.99$ for 1 month.

Both of course will probably have a tax added, so 30$ and 15$ are rough estimates in US currency only.

Or you can buy a wow token from character select to get 30 days of game time, but unless you have game time you can not use a token for game balance, only game time.


Or buy a 60day time card for 30$ thats what i do.

They ended that several years ago and consolidated to a single option for a 60 day block of time. You can still get 30, 90, 180, and year Subs via that method.

The only way to get a 30 day game time block without a Sub is gold via the token.

Why? The ability to use currency outside your country also went away about the same time. I would gather something shady was going on with game time and currencies. I don’t know what, but it is a guess.

Either that or they just wanted to consolidate game time options for some reason.