Umpteenth post about MAX LEVELS in LOW BG

  • YES they are stronger than AVERAGE undergeared leveling players

  • YES they get to KEEP their high level talent points (mostly)

  • YES they only show up in PREMADES (because someone is their anchor)

  • NO they aren’t unkillable

  • NO they aren’t stronger than a geared high end in bracket player (28,29 or 38,39 or 48,49)

  • NO I don’t have any problem killing them when they show up in MY bracket (because I have GEAR)

GEAR and what end of the bracket you join matters… if you are a noob at the beginning of the bracket with old gear you will be weak… The party sync players show up as top end in the bracket BUT they get a GEAR template about a THIRD of the way into the bracket. A party sync in 10-19 would be a 19 with BOA equivalent of a level 13-14 any geared 18-19 in that bracket would destroy the 70

your excuses are getting old XD just admit you can’t play with the big dogs haha

I play in bracket… I love seeing Evokers show up in lower brackets… I eat these clowns for lunch… IF you show up as an above level in my bracket I will seek you out and destroy you…

go try a party sync in low levels, good luck to you =P

evoker is one class lol i play the level i am supposed to play

if you are in the level you are supposed to be in… if you are queing BG’s when you are in the top end of your bracket (ie 27,28,29)… and have gear that is NOT 20 i-levels old… or 0/5 BOA’s… you won’t have any issues with a party sync 70.

if however you are a fresh 40 missing 3 pieces of gear, wearing BOA that are 0/5 upgrade and stopped at level 29… wearing grey non stat items… or still wearing the level 9 items from “Exiles reach” (NOOB start zone) you will get destroyed by a party sync 70.

Players have to put in effort to gear and join BG when they are strong, if they don’t they are planning to fail.

that’s not the argument lol you are just using straw man arguments to avoid addressing the broken lower levels you and your goons like to abuse lol do better

who are you referring to?

if YOU are having issues with 70 party sync players in lower PvP brackets, YOU need to figure out WHY. I play in bracket PvP from 10-69 and DON’T have these issues, all I’m suggesting is that YOU should look at WHY you are struggling.

I played Tess a little in DF but she’s mostly geared the same as she was in BfA when I last played her. Gearing like this isn’t enough in the lower levels with this character, I think, offensive healers are more dependent on team mates who peel for them but she was viable in BfA though not really powerful. At times she went crazy and topped KBs+Healing but I just died repeatedly in a single CC when I played her in DF.

I have more experience 61-69, I went around 60% w/l on my hpal but like 33% on my MM despite his being much more powerful. Didn’t matter, I was just there for honor and some play experience with the class. Gearing like Raist at his level I would say you would be one of the more powerful characters individually depending on class and skill. Won’t save you in a stacked eBGs, but you can farm them back.

I don’t play low level bg’s like I said and by you I mean you XD

A character at x5+ that is moderately geared (5 Dungeons?) + will be completely able to perform. Vs Sync characters 10-59. 60,61-69 is a little different.

A well geared/built character at x5+ within the brackets will be stronger than a Sync character.

There also should be a sticky which lets folks know that Epic/Mythic/PVP gear does not effect a Party Sync stat allocation. eg: The Versatility stat does not template over.

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We shouldn’t have to run dungeons to be viable, they need to go back to scaling or else provide comparable rewards from BGs. Straight addition causes a wider power gap.

exactly… this is what I was trying to explain.

maybe Aredea will listen to you… this person seems to think I’m a “goon”

What would you suggest?
Something that is missing (Epics were just updated) is PVP vendor options, and some more Viable crafted options.
PVP centric Heirlooms please!
All of the above we had in previous selections, which were successful.

Lots of the older gear is still floating around and it has a very weak item level, this is also the current case with crafted items.
If we are not using Relic of the Past (even then) lots of options are futile.

Dungeons are available to every player, the easiest path. Keep this in mind.

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lol i love when twinks btch it’s sad

Let them do the yelling. :rofl:
Honestly since Party Sync has been introduced the most common misconception we have seen on these forums is players who look at the Versatility on the usually Honor + geared Sync they armory. Bam forum time.

They could do the 2 things I suggested, either go back to scaling so stat boost varies with gear level or provide comparable rewards from BGs. I think part of the balance issue is that the talents are designed for pve. Tess doesn’t have any escapes but roll, for example.

I am not the one crying here… I’m trying to explain to you how party sync works…

I’m sorry you can’t comprehend what we are saying…

you are acting like a 10 year old having a temper tantrum and calling names =o

Monk does pretty damn well in the lower brackets, which only gets better as we level with more talents etc.
Hunters are fun to play against as a Monk.

As for scaling, maybe it is time to just give everyone who wants a Heirloom template access to one. There is no reason to destroy 20 years of amazing options in PVP imo.
This is what makes World of Warcraft unique. Nobody can match it within the industry.

no you are making excuses so that people can abuse new players trying to learn dif parts of the game lol

You would still gear, I’m just proposing ways to lower the power gap so newer players aren’t overwhelmed. Not sure what you mean by destroying 20 years, they used to scale gear and I can’t think of a reason to not give meaningful rewards in leveling in BGs. They’re much harder than dungeons.