Umpteenth post about MAX LEVELS in LOW BG

is this any worse than rogues rolling over cloth in warsong like old twinks

Just stop. Everyone is sick of your ACKSHUALLY responses to these threads. Whether it’s the gear or not, its undeniable that 70s are too strong in lower brackets. Anyone claims otherwise is just obviously a 70 party sync enjoyer.


correct. a level x8 in boas is stronger than a level x1 with gear from 10 levels ago.
my 67 leveling alt is stronger than your 63 leveling alt.

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this needs to be bought forward again
shkyne the paladin level 70 was in the level 50 to 59 battle grounds .one shotting players the horde of course , its happening to often an needs to be removed party sync has destroyed low level battle grounds all because
they are being paid with ingame gold 500k gold to boost a player from 10 too 70 through battlegrounds and the poor new player wich world of warcraft needs right now says screw this i quit an i quit wow ,

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Yummy <3 <3

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lol nobody is paying for a boost and getting carried through battlegrounds. they use dungeons and then mob farming in DF zones.

Nah. Level 70s always take longer to kill and do 2-3m more damage than is appropriate for the 69 bracket. I know this because I’ve leveled several characters through this bracket and properly gear, gem, and enchant them. Even at level 69 with BIS gear for that level bracket it is just barely a fair fight. Below that, and you stand pretty much no chance of beating someone at level 70 unless they’re godawful, just tbh, most people who downrank are.

People who downrank to lower levels have recourse. They can simply queue for BGs at 70. But that can potentially provide a challenge, as other people in that bracket have the means to kill, whereas below 70, they don’t. So basically if you’re downranking it’s because you don’t want to fight people who have the ability to fight back. P cringe.

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i was 210k hp at 68. Thier template is achievable just not a likely scenerio

like everyone else here says… a party sync’s gear doesn’t matter they get a template.
the whole reason this works is two fold:

  • most low level PvP players don’t have gear (so yes the 70 seems stronger)
  • the party syncers keep most of their talents even the 70 top tier ones
  • party syncers are in a PREMADE or they wouldn’t show up in lower brackets

I have killed MANY of these party sync 70 on a well geared… YES (GEARED) player.

if you are a noob leveler in crap / old / missing gear you will get destroyed by syncers

this dude pretending vers don’t matter at levels below 70 XD

this dude thinks the template has enough vers to matter.

lol yes a full conquest geared 70 is going to have a lot more vers then some dude leveling stop making excuses

prove it. go sync and tell me how much vers you have. switch out pieces of gear. youll see it doesn’t matter.

lol if it didn’t matter people wouldn’t be doing it XD

gear doesnt matter when syncd. what does is facing players at the bottom of the bracket with few options to gear up where it’s even.
there’s about a 140 ivl difference between what’s available at 61 via dungeons/bg drops to what a 69 can get. syncd players are about what a 67 would be.
the 5 crafted pieces 316 ilvl isn’t enough. filling in with shadowlands gear would be nice but everything besides 3 trinkets were removed. if the 265 stuff was put back on the oribos vendor these “er mah gerd sycd 70’s” threads would disappear.

you are just denying the obvious lol if max level characters where not op in lower brackets people would not be playing them in lower brackets.

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Spec imbalance is really bad in low levels so they stack the most powerful ones which overpower the weaker specs despite a stat disadvantage compared to a decently geared leveling player in addition to the advantages of coordination. Low participation also makes it easier to stack BGs beyond the 5 limit.

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go play your 70 with some low level friends and LOOK AT YOUR DAMN STATS!!!

there is a template that reduces ALL of your stats below what a GEARED player in that bracket would have PERIOD

stop making excuses and play as a party sync and SEE what we are talking about

lol if that is true then why are you playing a twink? your stats would be dif

Synced players have a template, levelers get a straight stat addition that varies depending on spec and level relative to x9 (no adjustment at x9).