Hello I played Priest named Neverheals, i was in brothers in arms then ELEMENTS. I switched horde played as Nitze orc warrior for while as well in NOVA and then PUG. God its been a long time but I still remember a lot of these names! Im looking at going horde on Fairbanks pvp server.
Hey there, I was in Serenity. How is everything? What was your name in Classic? I was a Dwarf Warrior Arkknon
Woohoo coming back is going to be fun! I wasn’t much enjoying any of the past expansions.
You should definitely come back! At the very least maybe we could level up together again. Been a long time, Man!
What’s up, Tout! Would also love to get the links to those discord servers. Would be great to all roll on the same server again!
Sandwich, Human Warrior here. Played in Adrastus/Poor Play for a lot of my main raiding time on the server. Remember playing with Mccaffreye, Toutprest, Falkuron, Paladinx, Hush/Ataraxia/Tranquility, Akron to name a few.
Battletag is Sandwich#1691 Hit me up with the server everyone will be on. Would love to play like old times!
Raided ShadowStryke. So many names I remember fondly, both here and not yet present. Such great times.
Nimrodookie, wow! (no pun intended) I remember early days of WoW and racing to 60 with you and Bolavere.
It’s nice to see both guildies and non-guildie friends here.
Djoshe, we are on the same server. Can’t wait to say hi!
I can finally post on the forum again! Hey there Klep, Florae, Davien, and any other EoI and other folks who may or may not remember me. I’ll be rolling alliance on Whitemane. Would love to see you all again.
Hey Leythg, certainly I remember you!. I’ve set up 3 alliance toons on myzrael.
the guild Veritas Aequitas was the most fun I had in playing wow
-Numbnuts, Beernuts, Mynuts
request sent (my bnet tag is kaitri#1736)
Remember Youcandoit?
Hey Hordemaster, we were actually talking about the good ol days and whether anyone from Horde side was coming back. What server are you running, Falk, Tout, Djoshe myself and many more are all rolling Whitemane
I played with some Machiavelli’s Cat people when they came over to Knights Who Say Ni.
Tsome! I believe we were in Knights Who Say Ni together!
I know it’s a long shot, but I used to play with a 39 shaman named Camron that played a main on alliance side. Don’t remember his alliance toon though. Think it was Finalduty or Roguestealth.
I also played with Farmthis. He had a 70 alliance human mage.
My btag is Sober#1585
I for the life of my cannot remember my old guild name today. I recognize alot of folks, I played this mage scorchez, a priest thepunisher/ankou, and a warrior armorman/xerxes. Would love to reconnect with old friends and guildies. Def remember Falk, and some of the other priest pvp’ers.
Of course I remember Youcandoit, we were bros. We ran together all the time. Also ran a lot with Kanxer and Arrg.
Kanxer is still around. Battle tag me Biggerbigs#1740. Erad is probably going to play again also .
Used to be a human mage on Uldum back in the day. By the looks of it I’m being pushed into Pagle but really just popping in to see some familiar faces!