Uldum Alliance Reconnections

I guess I should have added this for the few who remember me-

Hey Moonstryke!
Those early days were awesome, glad to see you around!


Hi Idie. :slight_smile: A few of us are rolling Horde on Bloodsail Buccaneers… if you end up there, say hi!

Change with alliance PVP server plans!

Well we just decided today to swap from Whitemane to Skeram. So if you don’t put your main there, throw an alt there.

We have about 38 people on a spreadsheet saying they are going with us, so it should be a party.

I repeat, Falk, Tout, all the pvp alliance gang are going SKERAM now.

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Hey everyone, Sevenupyours of Repeat Offender and briefly Liberation here prior to BC. I started when BWL was new and got to 7/8 of BWL before BC. Played again during WotLK with Hybrid for a spell too. Nice to see some names I remember, looking forward to riding the nostalgia train again, and to have the Ony wipe animation be relevant once more.

A lot of names I remember accidentally trading while trying to inspect!

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Good to see everyone again!
I played this character for Vanilla.

Thanks Djoshe for the update, moving to Skeram from Whitemane!

Looking forward to this.:grin:

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Omg hi!!! What is your battle tag? I’d love to catch up!

:smiley: good to hear from you!! are they playing too? :slight_smile:

:smiley: Hi! Can’t wait…

Yeeep - heading to Skeram with Redd and some other Uldum people. Pretty cool getting back in touch with everyone. Feel free to add me if you ever want to catch up or chat Mike#1237

Used to play these characters on Uldum (still there).


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> Not referencing your premier guilds, Starfish Lovesong and Gentlemens Ciub

smh, Seven…

Battletag: t3nsity#1599

Go ahead and add me, lets chat!

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Greenliaxe played with

Hey web, Beany… Been chatin with BW to replay some classic! will keep you posted on server!

Hey Man I remember you! We were in seekers of skybreak together before i jetted off to Limited :smiley: how you been?

Those days were insane, I remember the first pull of those two gaints at the start everyone was in panic mode haha.

It was Bodymore. I only joined you guys late into vanilla you were doing Naxx40 when I joined. And then shortly after I joined, you guys transferred servers when they offered free transfers to de-populate Uldum a bit. I went with you guys but stopped playing shortly after that so I wasn’t in Serenity all that long unfortunately, I doubt you’ll remember me. I don’t remember anyone from Serenity myself :frowning:

Loiza NE Druid!!! wow i played in Knights who say NI, Repeat Offender and Vengeance of Valhalla!!

I remember you from VA