Uldum Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Uldum (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


I played this character as my main - Octang, dwarf rogue with the guild Dawning Nemesis.

I will be picking a server in conjunction with my brother, who will be playing with me this time, but I am just curious to see if there will be any familiar faces out there.

Lexar. Human mage. I am going horde. But had lots of memories with people like liore and toejam. Hex and i are going horde.

I’ll prob be almost exclusive classic. Sterine-human mage. Got started in < Shadow Riders > , Spend some time in < Shadowstryke > , and then < Na Fianna>
I like to think i was a big deal, but in reality i was just an above average pve mage. If anybody should see this I have been playing a b.e. mage “Sterlina” on boulderfist. Drop me a line there.

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mccaffreye – night elf priest in Adrastus/Poor Play. Haven’t decided on coming back, might just check it out casually if anyone from back then wants to play a bit.


I used to play with a guild called ELEMENTS on the alliance We also had a horde side too with Coffee Beans.

My various characters were:
Webbiushead - NE Hunter
Webbiussmall - Gnome Mage
Web - Undead Mage

Hey I used to be in Shadow Riders as well. Don’t really remember you but I was also an 8th grade noob named Heroicpally.

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Hello I used to play a human warlock named Kleygor. I was in Shadow Riders and Poor Play briefly, then joined Repeat Offender as well as So Fresh later on. I remember Sterline coincidentally though I only spoke with him a few times.

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Lol I remember you

Unknown drunks was my first guild, then moved to Band of Brothers and mostly pvpd with Falkuron and that group. Eventually joined Adrastus as well.

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I wish so bad that I remembered my old guild…

I was playing Oneshotkill, dwarf hunter.
I remember… a human mage named adella or something. And a dwarf paladin named leonidas

Thats all I got…it was so long ago but hey gotta try

I remember you. I was friends with Falkuron. My name was Silenthill

Played Dwarf Hunter - Kibble, Human Warlock - Shyria and on this character in Guilds Purgatory and Novus Imperium. Think I spent some time in Dawning Nemesis as well but can’t remember.

Sup Lrd! I played Lunimm a feral pvp druid. I remember kickin it with you a few times

This is my Original Char; one of “The lol’s”
guilds were, < Limited > & < Adrastus >
looking to connect with any of the old crew knocking off those server firsts was amazing.
Falkuron, Toutprest, Pike, Heroz, Raynestar, Kukion, Gregory, and all the others.
even the hordies from PVP! Hordemaster, Oberon, Vengyr

Hit me up :slight_smile:

Edit: btag is Oxissistic#1695

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Oh well, that’s a name i remeber! your going to have to get ahold of us, we got a discord server with alot of the old pvpers.

I had a NE rogue named Achiless, was in for the longest time, &

Add me on Bnet: Rizler#11933

STERLINE my good friend, I was in 2 out of 3 of these guilds with you! I hope you remember a warlock named Killtopolis!

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Hello fellow classic players. My name was Ghort (60 NE druid) and Hordemaster (60 orc war), in Vanilla I was in multiple guilds, “Overdose”, “shadowstryke”, “Poor Play” and “Nova” on horde. looking forward to getting back into the 60 grind. HMU

This was my original character from Classic, Was in numerous guilds back in the day, though have always been in Arakeen with my Warlock, Luxord.

Raided with a few guilds, though cannot remember any of the names off the top of my head.

Looking forward to getting into Classic again, Though may be going horde this time.

HMU on B. net if anyone is interested! GoDLikE107#1552

EDIT: Oxlol, i think i raided with Limited a bit in Classic! I know i was in there with my DK during WotLK and remember Gregory lol.

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Ginovva, Human Paladin
Guilds included Catastrophic Waitress and Pantheon