Uldum Alliance Reconnections

This was my main in Vanilla. Ran with Guardians of Nordrassil all the way through. If any of the old GofN crew are still around let me know. I am planning to play on Stallag.

Hey hey! Sorovil checking in.

NE Rogue what ran with Union. Vivienne (NE Priest) and I are still kicking about, glad to see some familiar faces!


Orog! Are you coming back to classic? I remember playing against you as my gnome rogue Bloo, and then maybe I played with you as Oolb, my undead mage? Either way your flag running is still burned into my brain :upside_down_face:


My sister (Teydra - Night Elf Druid) and I (Zibb - Human Paladin) played vanilla in the guild Misericordia. The GM was named Tharyn (Night Elf Warrior) and his wife (Mulv…I could never spell her name, Human Paladin).

I believe after the guild split, a lot of the members went to Na Fianna.

Misericordia was a carry over from EQ (Brell Serillis), where I played a warrior named Terdar.

Seye get back to me battletag Dysteny#1727

Started off in Pantheon with this priest Dizet and a mage Diziet still playing both over on the kiljaeden server

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I played Rey, a human paladin - I was in the Uldum Cabal and Knights of Valor, too! Surprised to not see anyone else around. Jethre or Meridun or…a dozen other names I can hardly remember.

I remember doing PvP with Toutprest and Falk, and a priest named Nixon that I helped grind to rank 13. And of course I remember facing against Hordemaster! What a freakin trip reading thru this thread has been.

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No way!! Onemoretime on horde, at some point we figured out I played with people from your high school. Already texted Bigredd and Sean/Hellrazorr.

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Definitely coming back for classic (feel free to add me Baldcow#1424) and I remember facing you in BG’s well. =) I think we did play together before on your mage but it was soo long ago it’s hard to remember. I hope to see lots of the old crew I’d play with and against back then! I have so many half memories of people back then I can’t quite remember the names of until I see them.

Night Elf Hunter
Knights of Elune, Serenity, Blue Ghost

i played on uldum but cant remember the guild, I would always play on alliance with my characters " zakarius" wich was a mage, or “Yrian” wich was a hunter.

Melchiah here! Pantheon then Poor Play. Rolled around with Cybellirae, Deragous, Hanzou, Arnela, Robert, Spamcan, Falkuron, Lorre, Monkyman, Strength, Apt, Ksarri, Percey, Kanxer, Tankerpriest, Drocin (RIP buddy), Nooberoni, Hush, Aelsanor, Sleaze, Djoshe, Madmorgin, Charlie, Auster, etc etc etc. If I forgot to mention you, remember that its been more than a decade! LOL Melchiah#1652 on bnet. Awesome seeing a bunch of familiar names here!


What about Oomkin? I’ll never for get seeing him hanging out in IF (like everyone did before they forced stormwind on us) with the guild name < I have illidan loot >.

Remember, running MC with Limited and it took us like 3 hours to clear just the first and second giants and fire spawns.

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Who could forget nimroddookie haha.

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Heya, I played as dwarf rogue named Maude. I was GM of Catastrophic Waitress. waves

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Do you by any chance remember Briss, NE druid, Naqi was our Tank for Kara gruls lair and a bunch more during BC

Briss, NE druid and Brissjr NE hunter. Hit level 60 right as burning crusade was dropping though. First guild ever was Knights who say Ni Mboognish was my best friends rogue in the Guild.

Tolarra resto druid and Tolsha Rogue part of Bregan D’ aerthe on Uldum also in flat earth society, shadow riders, and professional raiders inc all before i move servers

Great to see so many names of people I haven’t talked to in forever! On Alliance I played a rogue named Sorassa with Limited/Adrastus during MC/BWL. Later switched to Horde and PvPed as a feral druid named Riverrun. Anyone coming back hit me up, I’ll be playing on one of the servers we’re all rolling on. Btag is Riverrun#11175

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