I remember you in my friends list on Uldum. Konx was my main hunter and I had other toons also. Was in Shadow Riders for a while I remember
So many names I recognize. Starting over on Pagle. Topshelf#1605. Hope to see more of you there.
I recognize your name…as the brand of my local distillery lol.
I am going on Pagle as well!
Zarias checking in! I’ve wondered about you Coyjo. Glad to see you’re still around.
If any of you other OGs want to reconnect, hit me up! J4k3#1999
Vantage and I say “hi”!
Percey (Legion)
Worst Paladin on Uldum. Crazy seeing a lot you are still around.
I’d love to get the link to the Uldum discord as well.
Back in vanilla and TBC I played a feral druid (Solarith) and then later a resto shaman (Kaellia). I transferred off of Uldum in 2009, and would like to see if some of my old pals are going to be around for classic.
What’s up Naqi? It’s Kaellia the resto shaman (from Moskau). I resubbed a few weeks ago and I’ll be playing a shaman again in classic. Where are you going to land?
Idie started with Logan’s Heros, and raided with Knights of Valor, Uldum Cabal, and Machiavelli’s Cat.
Just waiting to see who comes back and where all the old Uldum folks land.
Hah I remember you, I played with Pantheon for quite a while during vanilla as orenishii
I played in Knights of Valor during the MC days and early into BWL. I was a Dwarf Priest, Rashalam. Who was your Druid?
Hi! I played Bartimeus, Night Elf Hunter, in Vanilla. I honestly don’t remember most of the Guilds I was in. I did play a decent amount with Raypower, Ladyhaze, Flemon, Teabear, and some others. My brother was a Night Elf Warrior named Tire. I know for a while I was in Slash Spit and Höt. I’ll be playing with some friends on Fairbanks.
I remember seeing you all the time in IF. and remember Raypower and, if i remember correctly, she was involved in a lot of drama back in the day.
I think I remember going head to head with you and the rest of the alliance crew you speak of back in the day. Especially is WSG. =) (Orog, tauren druid)
oh man its Kaellia, what’s up we need Catts to come back, i don’t have you on b-tag anymore rip naqi#1663
Dysteny- Human Paladin- Guild: Union
Battletag Dysteny #1727
Union here too!
Any Aussies around from A F K , ELEMENTS or Knights of Vegemite?
I played Adjantis NE Hunter, Wogboy - Human Pally and Furious Human Warrior
I was hunter Bredre - did a lot of PVP and come up through ELEMENTS before the kinda fizzled. Cleared most content as an officer if Avatars of Destruction (AoD). Any of that old crew getting together?
I can remember you from some epic WSG matches. You were impossible to kill until we took out your druid pocket healers