Naxx skip isnt anything new.
Did you not read anything else discussed about in the context of my post?
Ulduar is not boring.
Need is a little strong of a word to use here. I mean sure ok add a skip, why the hell not. Doesn’t really matter either way. You don’t need anywhere near p2 bis to clear togc, so I think most people will do the old-fashioned skip with or without another one being added. They’ll just skip it.
Lfm Uld 25 1light skip run 2sr, seal of the betrayed king res
This is kind of a catch 22, the kind of people who can clear TOGC in less than phase 2 BiS are also most likely to be the people in phase 2 BiS
Why put in skips anyways? Every other boss has some sort of loot that someone will need so people will be wanting to clear anyways. It’s not like Yogg loot is a higher ilvl or something like Saph/KT.
Power to you if you have a group of 10/25 people who will tag along for a couple of boss kills I suppose. Still seems like alot of work (Sooooo many event triggers) for little benefit.
Yogg loot is 232 with 252 hard mode and Saph is 213/ KT 226.
Its much easier to get 25 people together for a Gen/Yogg skip then a full 2-3 hour clear which usually never finishes with a PUG group.
yes, mimic naxx plz
Bro, can you read?
talk about oversimplification… tell me you r carried without telling me.
ill bet you use a wa that basically plays the game for you too…
you might as well say push buttons, therefore ez it would actually be more accurate
To op:
The teleport triggers are coded into the bosses, which means a dev would have to fix it, which means it’s probably won’t happen.
Also, the primary reason to go is fragments so your not skipping much of anything regardless. The only solution is a nerf.
previous tier raids being nerfed is status quo. They already said they were going to nerf it before togc.
Lol not carried at all, its simple mechanics compared to retail. Its not hard yes you do need good healing but moving from stuff helps the healers.
push buttons ez mythic world 1st

the primary reason to go is fragments
Def not the "primary " reason. 1 person gets frags…the other 24 do not.

They already said they were going to nerf it before togc.

tell me you r carried without telling
Looks like he isn’t to me

Def not the "primary " reason. 1 person gets frags…the other 24 do not.
Guilds as foreign to you as the ability to read?

Its much easier to get 25 people together for a Gen/Yogg skip then a full 2-3 hour clear which usually never finishes with a PUG group.
It is on the PUG organizer to set realistic expectations for the group and to be able to judge which bosses will be a waste of time and which are completable on hard mode based on the razorscale fight. 2 flight phases? You should be doing normal modes if you want to finish on time.

Yogg loot is 232 with 252 hard mode
As is every other boss with a hard mode. There is no extra item strength from killing Gen/Yogg other than targeted pieces you are missing, but if you run a skip PUG then thats 25 people looking for targeted loot and the dice competition will be fierce.
I guess a low chance for Flare is better than zero chance if you cant reach it. I’m sure there are alot of salty pugging casters out there.
If there was a yogg skip, people would host yogg runs with the fragment res and finish val in 30 weeks.
It’s just dumb to add skips
Every boss should have an npc who will instantly delete the boss if you give them one WoW token.
Each keeper needs 1 WoW token to activate.
Instead of Sara trying to kill you, she asks you to donate 1 WoW token or she will attack you. If you donate, she gives you a chest of loot.