Ulduar doesnt need a nerf it needs a skip!

A lot more bosses just mean more time spent. Depending how many alts you have that’s a negative.

ToC will be easier to run for better rewards per time spent. Moreover, if your alts already have the normal Ulduar gear which is really easy to run there’s no point to run Ulduar just for the HM loot much.

Not even sure what you’re doing if you don’t like your time spent raiding. Like everything in game it’s your choice how many Alts you run that exhausts your patience for the content. I only run 2 characters raiding weekly. I’m not to excited about lame TOGC for 30 minutes a week. Each to his own, but Trial has been a joke since it launched, and ICC isn’t coming anytime soon.

Did I ever say I hate raiding? I have 8 level 80s. This week I’ll probably be running 5 Ulduars.
And yes it’s my choice and yes I’ve said why I would be fine with any of their choice.
It doesn’t change my point of view on it.

It doesn’t change that ToC will be way easier to run than Ulduar.
And that Ulduar loot needs to be buffed in term of amount (which we didnt get a confirmation) and could get nerfed if we want more people to do it. People that haven’t done hard modes at this point either are on alts or are groups that will never be able to kill them.

“Make it easier!”
“Make it faster!”
“It’s not FAIR that I’M TRASH and can’t beat the content!!1”

Go back to retail and stay there, or uninstall, for the sake of the game and everyone else who didn’t grow up with participation trophies.


A skip doesn’t get you fragments from the bosses. This means that if Blizzard does put in a skip, most raids would not use it anyway. Blizzard would also need to move the fragment drop chance for every skipped boss over to the last 2. I doubt they will be bothered to do anything.

get a better raid? should be less than 1.5 hours
no meme
no cap

just truth

I’m talking about pugs dawg… not many of them running 1.5 hr full hm clears

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so, you’re pugging 14/14 25man?

good lord, are classic players way worse than vanilla players or what? I don’t remember ulduar being an issue back in the day

That’s because the version we have now was nerfed after a couple days. The raid itself was easier in OG WotLK.

Ulduar does not need nerfs…it does need this.

1- 25man hard-modes drop 1 extra piece of gear
2- Teleporters available except to Mimiron
3 - Not all keepers need to be dead to fight Yogg/General

These 3 points would fix alot of the frustration and help cut down the time spent inside.

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Not killing all keepers for yog doesnt make sense imo consisering the fight itself is based around them.

Skips arnt really needed when you can alrdy skip a few bosses anyways. Again, just my opinion.

The keepers don’t matter if you’re doing 0 light.

Most raids would just clap thorim and do 1 light if anything

The fight might be based around them but adding a skip doesn’t hurt anybody. They added a skip for Naxx and its helped alot.

You can’t just kill thorim himself and go to Gen/Yogg though…that’s the whole point of being able to skip.

Ulduar has already many skips, at this point it would be a bit extreme to do more. The Naxx one also was a thing they did in wrath so this would be new. Unlike nerfs, which happened in Ulduar.

You can skip 3 bosses…Razorscale/Ignis/Council…you need to kill all 4 keepers and a decent amount of trash guarding all of them. And then you have to kill a crapton more of trash in front of General Vez. This is not “many skips” like you say.

For your average guild or average pug, this slogs down the raid and people leave/quit. This is the problem.

The way the instance is done only yogg and general vezax is locked behind more than 2-3 bosses.

That’s what I call a pretty good amount of skips.

*I Forgot Kolo, Keepers are 3 bosses from the start.

The thing with pugs, is adding more skips just let people make groups where they don’t full clear. Which reduce the amount of full clear groups and divide the community more.

So it’s not like it solves everything. Nerfs would still help toward that and be more inline with what happened in Wotlk.

General/Yogg are locked behind FL+XT+Kolo+Auriya+ 4 keepers + trash.
That is more than 2-3 bosses buddy…can you count?

that is indeed what I said xd

more than 2-3.

I’m gonna let you think about that one.