Ulduar doesnt need a nerf it needs a skip!

Insert Ricky paying Mr. Lahey meme

go back to Era with that dumb argument. it was old in 2019 and it’s still old now

i mean what bosses do you want to skip?

much of the first half of the instance is already skippable and has almost no trash relatively speaking.
i guess you might skip kologarn, but he takes like 2 minutes to kill (worth it for 1/10th of an epic gem from badges imo)
xt002, vezax, and the keepers all have hardmode loot that someone in your raid probably still wants.

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I’m gonna take a guess that it’s mostly about casters wanting to get a chance at Flare before the PUG falls apart, but in doing so will probably raise the chances of having the casters bail on the raid once completed.

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Alas if anything my guild has gotten too many flares we still have people wishing and hoping for voldrethar

For guilds that have been clearing it, it will in fact be the primary reason.

Looks like you took my comment personally, I wonder why that is… :clown_face:

My bad, I misunderstood thinking you were blaming RNG on unable to clear Ulduar HMs.

Im so glad i chose to stay at 79 indefinitely. Level 80 sounds extremely stressful.

Its really not lol

Really? Forcing myself through raids at least once per week, sometimes twice or more. Obsessing over logs and parses and how “other players” are performing. Constantly trying to acquire gear on an endless treadmill rat race. Hours of consume and gold farming. Incredibly imbalanced PvP with things like Sacred Shield in play.

It honestly sounds like a nightmare to me.

Quess it depends. Half what you mentioned i dont do. But i also only really play 1 toon nowadays so i can hop off and play other stuff.

But you are 100% on the pvp. Pass.

why would i ever take a comment personally from a low level alt that only has 3 posts? you can’t even take the conversation seriously enough to post from your own main and you resort clown emojis because someone even bothered calling you out on your lazy rebuttal.

I’m still wondering if this might be the solution as well. A skip would resolve a lot of issues, considering most guilds are looking for loot off 2-4 bosses.

They didn’t nerf it and they have no plans yet.

They added a skip.


Kinda sad for alts but this mean my main will farm it even less longer xd
As the only reason to go back there on my main was to get Valanyr for healers.

Im cool with the skip. You know my opinion on the idea of a nerf as we have conversed before. Feel like this is kind of a happy medium to keep both sides happy.

I’d much rather the skip be only the first 4 :frowning:

I still think it’s a worse solution as this will split the amount of groups running full clears/more bosses, I don’t even agree with buffing Valanyr shards as much. But like I said, small wins I will have to do less of that content to help people get their Valanyr, which doesn’t make sense if their goal was for people to run Ulduar longer. Moreover, they haven’t announced a loot quantity buff so I just consider Ulduar dead content outside of Valanyr runs. Not even worth running alts through.

Yeah, I like the Yogg dropping more fragments thing but I feel like him dropping a second 252 on 0 light would of sufficed.