Where do you get 6k guilds killing algalon, when he had 39k over the last two weeks? That’s about 20k raid groups, or about 500,000 characters (not players)
Well Yogg is the final boss of Ulduar. Algalon is a hard mode boss. I think Yogg-4 has a 90% clear rate compared to the. Yogg has 56k kills over the last 2 weeks, to XT’s 65k. An 85% clear rate. Very good.
Hey, it lets you grind out Alg gear that you want. Can’t be that big of a failure. That should drive more engagement, and that’s what people want. More people running more dungeons for their hypothetical alts or fresh characters.
Not true at all. Alg geared players are capable of killing Alg, therefore are capable of doing the content regardless of gear. Alg geared players will clear H++ in 20 minutes. Naxx10 geared people should be able to clear, although it will take longer and they need to be more careful. But that should be a good thing. H+ allows you to progress a character without raiding, so its an appropriate challenge for them.
There was no dodge nerf, there was a dodge bug fix. There are videos of DKs with 90% pure avoidance chance on algaon out there.
Hard mode do be like that sometimes.
Great, sounds like it solved itself.
When did I ever say that? Seems to me like you are attaching your boogeymen to me. That’s not fair.
Stop acting entitled to HARD MODE bosses. Just kill it on normal, its fine my dude.
I forgot to ask where did you get your 39k and 66k numbers from. I googled and did not see any metrics.
Warcarft logs progression for Algalon it has 6860 as the max number. Assuming most people are using warcraft logs. [That number is what I used](https ://
classic. warcraftlogs.
it updated an its around 6966 atm.
After 1st 2weeks of release of H+, people’s interest in them started dwindling, I hardly see any interest after 1st 2hrs of reset. If you are dps class good luck getting a grp if you are not one of the FTM flavors.
This is bs , you know why I know its bs. Right now you cant get invited into H+ or any raid if you are below 4.5k unless you are a healer then 4.3.
4,3k GS is full Nax gear to get into H+ to get … wait for it Nax Gear.
They fixed something that existed in OG that actually affected guilds in progression. We did drop of Prot warrior and got a dk and pally tank. We killed Alg with that tank setup. Never went back to war tanks for any fight after that for the past 2 months.
That is what this thread is about, people who are geared up the wazoo to only attempt certain bosses. I am not against it, I said that place needs a nerf 1st or you will not get people to do this.
Why this elitism for content that not current or relevant? Did you get OS 3d in og or recently and did that make you feel much much superior to fellow wow players. Has it improved your QoL. Let people have fun , get their cake too. Seems you are valuing this for your personal epeen stroking. I am seeing it from middle to average guild clearing perspective. There are already not enough people to run HMs. Many of the hardcore raiding guilds are open for recruitment. My discord had once active tuesdays through fridays now I find 4-5 from the 20-25 at the start of this patch.
I think you are just an Elitist. Denying people content wont make them subscribe. Fewer people means lesser runs. Guilds are already transferring out servers because they cant find people. There was reason wow popularity dwindled in Cata and it hard content. Repeating the same mistake. Why does it matter to you if someone has comet or not or has mim’s head. You will still have your orange and purple parses to show off.
Well i dont know why there is a disparity between WCLs kills over the last 2 weeks showing 38k algalon kills but only 7k guilds on your list. Maybe pugs / gdkps arent listed as guilds on there. Not sure.
Okay, start your own group. Look for like minded and similarly geared players. Players in full BIS want a quick 15-20min run. H+ is tuned for quest blues. The PTR before they released it only allowed you to create character templates in this setup. People don’t want to go to a heroic that might take them 40+ minutes or they might wipe on. That’s the content though. Take your fresh 80 to H+, and when you get a good Naxx10 gear setup, take it to H++. Yeah, it won’t be a quick 20 minute in and out. It will take longer, you will probably wipe. Keep at it and dont give up on the first wipe. People in BIS arent obligated to take people they don’t want to play with. Step up.
The dodge bug was that the diminishing returns introduced in wrath weren’t applying. They showed up correctly on the character sheet, but not in practice. This was a bug fix for something unique in classic. This didnt exist in OG wotlk.
I’m hardly an elitist. I think the H+/H++ systems, and the moving of 25man loot down to 10 man are good things. People should have an easier time getting gear as the phases progress. You’re metric for normal success is on Algalon. You think KT from naxx clear rates should match algalon. I’m saying KT rates should match Yogg-4. Hard Modes are bonus content for people to strive for.
Why does it matter? I cleared it and I am bored to go back in to Ulduar. But when I want to gear my Ele Shaman, do you think it makes sense to do GDKP and pay or if the content was easier. Either way I am getting the gear. I am just saying from a player engagement. If nerfed more players with lower GS can participate and get the loot and kills. I will just p2w with the gold to get the gear.
So because your bored, it needs to be nerfed or skips added or w/e other stupid change people are asking from ulduar? If your that bored go play something else
awesome mentality to have. “make things easier or i just wont do it anymore” The main people asking for a nerf arent clearing in the first place. So them “abandoning” it wont change anything.
now theres a reason i cannot voice to simply as i chose not to do any alts this time around. Just run my one toon then go play other stuff. I can get wanting it easier for that reason to an extent but im also always gonna lean to never nerf things unless they are actually impossible
Always have been an althoolic. Main reason I dislike retail is running M+ as much and on multiple alts. I much rather run mainly raids.
I think a lot of people were expecting some level of nerfs, it’s fine if it doesn’t happen but it also will mean more casual groups and people with alts like me will skip straight to ToC and that the ilvl buff of Ulduar hard modes won’t really work as well. ToC payout for a smaller amount of time is just way better and is a much easier raid. You get 1 item of hard mode loot right now when everything in ToC heroic is higher than hard mode loot.
yeah. i mean, i understand some reasonings why people want a nerf. (will ignore some the stupid reasons). Idk maybe my mentality is diff than most others. I want there to be hard content that you struggle on. regardless of what gear drops. Always needs to be something to prog or something to push towards. Think these days with everything being around parses and all, my mentality is gone. Most people want ez kills and free loot so they can chase that next parse.
I think with the buffs they did that a small nerf would work great. People that have achieved that content already are way ahead and they added a cutting edge/aotc achievement.
I think if they did a 5% hp nerf on a couple bosses it wouldn’t be too bad. Some bosses have high dps requirements (for more fresh characters) and I would be fine reducing that.
Life’s full of options and choices. My guild will continue to pound it out maybe just skip a couple bosses. If there’s no benefit, don’t do it. It’s farm at this point. However, there are a lot of Naxx runs going on consistently on my server, even w heroic+, so people will be running Ulduar whether you are or not.
A lot more bosses and loot in Ulduar for Alts. That’s fine to skip it, but it isn’t all just about HM loot if you’re gearing an alt. Even w Herioc++ added to TOGC, Ulduar will likely gear you faster than a 5 boss raid.
But, yeah, I’m a big fan of only doing what you like in a game. There are different options to gear up so no reason to nerf until ICC.