UI is terrible please give the option to revert to the former one

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you know when you resort the even suggesting that you have lost the arguement as thats not what the classic preset does or is used for


It would be just fine if I could save it on all my characters, but it only saved on 3 of them and I have to keep resetting it every time I log onto any of the others. Yes, I am doing it properly as I am repeating the exact same steps that I used on all my characters. I literally went down the list of characters and repeated the same steps on all of them. It saved on my main, and 2 other random characters, not even the first three, just characters at random.

My assessment of the new UI is that it is bugged and needs to be fixed ASAP.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Please don’t give me false hope :joy:
For me the issue is 100% the new textures and new gryphon models, new minimap looks etc. I’ve been wanting more customization options for the default UI for years, but I never wanted it to be at the cost of the look of unit frames etc. For me the new ones are “dead”, the old ones have that WoW whimsy charm to them which for me is what makes WoW WoW and not just generic mmo.

For those that enjoy the new look, that’s wonderful. I think it’s great, but having the option of hitting a toggle and having the textures swap to the old doesn’t take that away. More options is always better.

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The last UI was a working UI as well, I don’t see how it’s wrong for us to vent out a change in the forums on something that we didn’t need to be forced to deal with. And once again that preset does nothing except move 1 frame, your character frame, from the middle to the top left, it’s not much of a layout preset at all, and much less a solution to those of us who want the old UI back.

I don’t know if there’s a communication problem between what people mean when they want the old UI back, but I’m certain they’re not meaning to just MOVE the bars back into the same spot, otherwise you wouldn’t see this much backlash towards being forced to use it. It’s not just about positioning the frames.

My biggest gripe with the new UI is that everything is editable…except the LFG Eyeball

Its not in edit mode, and no one seems to know how to move it away from your bags.

Everything else is fine, but this change just messes with my head something awful. I want it back on minimap please.


I agree, it’s weird how customizable, yet rigid/un-customizable this UI can be with certain aspects. The LFG eyeball being on the minimap is something I would much more preffer than having it take up the bottom of my screen like that.

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You hit the nail!

It’s not about moving the elements around at all, it’s about the look, the textures, the art. I really don’t know how to explain it much more plainly for some people to get what the issue is about. I really appreciate people like you, who actually understand and are able to read what we’re complaining about and not slinging insults about just needing to learn how to use edit mode etc.

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Venting is one thing…opinions are fine.
But this ‘unplayable’ crap is a joke and we ALL know it. I used it for WEEKS on beta and its running just fine now, short of a bug or two.
Whats being whined about is “ITS NOT THE EXACT SAME AS THE OLD UI”


…do that.
if thats not close enough then MOVE STUFF AROUND!

Ive set it to that. its VERY close to the old set up.
Not exact, no, but close enough.
And THIS is why you all are getting a hard time.
It seems like youre complaining just to hear yourselves complain when all of us are playing the game right now just fine

I personally don’t think it’s a joke, I mean I can still play, sure, but I’m not gonna speak for those who can’t stand to play with this new UI, who actually do find it unplayable and just be dismissive to their complaints about it. We’re complaining for the sake of the devs hearing us complain, not just trying to make an echo-chamber where we can throw pity parties for each other.

Once again, these players want the old UI, I think that’s being communicated clearly, so telling them to change the presets on the UI, assuming that the problem is that they just DON’T know how to change it (and ASSUMING that that preset is all it takes to solve their issues with the new UI) is a bit far fetched in my eyes. I don’t mind the idea of having a hard time discussing new changes like these, but having weeks of beta testing and pushing it live to every single player that may not have played the beta, that’s not gonna get the whole picture of those who might not feel like they’re satisfied with it.


I wont dismiss where REAL problems exist…such as the bag overlapping the Action bars, then the action bar will hop up over the bags. THAT is a REAL problem.
“I HATE IT CUZ IT DONT LOOK EXACTLY LIKE THE OLD UI”…ISNT a REAL problem. Its just acting like Ion does when he knows hes making a big deal of something but demands having his way and doubles down on it.

But it is, it’s a real problem because it’s being communicated by us, that it exactly is what we’re having a problem with. I can’t speak for EVERYONE that has complaints on the new UI, absolutely not, but I can speak with those likeminded and those who do want the exact old UI re-implemented into the game. I can’t be the judge on what the REAL problem is for someone else. It’s not a real problem for you, you’ve made that clear, you see that as others being whiny about an inconsequential difference between the new UI and old UI.

But it’s not just something you or any one person can throw the hammer down and say “This isn’t a REAL problem for you, get over it, just do X, just do Y, it’s CLOSE enough”. That’s not what they wanted, or asked for. I see no issue with wanting to relay this, all I wish was for both UI’s to co-exist as an option for players, hell I’m fine if you want the new UI to BE the default new user experience. But give them the option to ACTUALLY replicate the exact old UI.


If you think that’s a solution you’re wasting everyone else’s time as well as your own. It’s not even close.


Thats very likely what they, and you, are going to get, Im guessing.

lmao…Im playing the game right now, lass…not complaining about something pretty much irrelevant to playing the game.

I got money on this being what youre stuck with…

I think it’s been made clear that that’s not the solution you think it is, and copy pasting it dozens of times over wont really help those that want their old UI back.

They are a troll, pure and simple. The other option is they’re simply too dull to understand the issue.

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and the whining ISNT going to get your UI back. Youre going to need to find an addon to get it.
Bliz isnt going to undo all this work for a dozen of you in here guy.

dont sweat it son…I’ll fix it for you right now…blocked.

And my life is immediately better off for it.

I’ve said that I’m fine with both UI’s co existing as an option for players, they don’t have to take away the new UI for those that want to be able to customize their layout. Venting about this may or may not give us that option back you’re right, but it’ll be even less likely if we DON’T make it heard.


Personally I think this is one of the best changes that’s been made to the game in ages. It’s really clean looking compared to the old insanely dated looking one.

If people’s gripe with it is strictly an aesthetic one I don’t see why they can’t just add an option to toggle between the old and new look.

I did have the UI reset one time on me when I logged back in on patch day but I think they’ve since resolved that. My layouts on my characters are gorgeous and look cleaner than they ever did when I had to use a bunch of add-ons to achieve what I can with the stock UI now. Very satisfied.