UI is terrible please give the option to revert to the former one

I guess ppl play just staring at their actionbars 24/7? idk man. wild. kudos to u all.

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Haha yea, I personally prefer tracking my cooldowns and such through the action bars instead of making it like a separate UI element on screen, something I’ve seen some addons do for procs and what not.

The new UI is much much better.
However, I do get the hate, because at default its absolute garbage, what players log into for the first time should be improved.


I mean to be honest the best piece of advice someone gave me was to just hide all my actionbars and then just use a WA that tracks everything right under your character. no screen clutter, u memorize ur keybinds anyway

can’t be mad about the ui if there’s no ui on the screen

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lmao. :rofl: :rofl:
yeah, I guess my loving change and new things to toy with made it easier for me to get on board. And Ive been one of the ones begging blizzard to give us ingame action bars like Dominos. So I was stoked to see that.

Before now those were my wormholes and hearthstones. I didnt like it over there, but it was what it was. I like all my bars on the bottom, out of the way.


I created something like the old UI.

First I clicked the question mark (?) and selected options.

On the left select Action Bars.

Checked the first 5 boxes in the list.

That created 3 bars stacked in the middle and 2 stacked vertically on the right side.

Set you spells, mounts etc. in the button spaces.

Set Keybinds on what you want.

Save it with a name and then load it onto all characters.

I think it all looks great.


There’s a reason I can post links directly :wink:

Not the 5 spot they are 10 size only. And it doesn’t match up.

This. The only thing I will give the “new ui is terrible “ folks a shred of credit on is the weird logic blizz used in not allowing the buttons for the collections, help, etc. items to be sizable. That is just odd to me.

Mind you it’s bearable just odd.

Other than that my layout it’s literally the orientation of the original ui. Just picture no griffon art and you already know what it looks like.

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Or that there is a Classic preset in the Edit Mode?

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The “Classic” preset is intended as something of a cruel joke, a useless toggle put in to do nothing but give false hope that Blizzard would live up to their advertised promise of being able to continue using the classic UI.


thats wut i had to do too get bar tender so i could move stuff where i wanted it cos some of the stuff i couldnt move that was supposed to move

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I would never be against an option for peeps to refuse to change and keep justifying more addons in their game, but being a person who never has and probably never will use an addon, I am loving the ability to change my ui and have more hotbars, etc.

I am finding it funny though that some of the same people who have made fun of me over not being able to open the kul tirin race after all these years are some of those screaming loudest about not being able to deal with a UI. Makes ya wanna say “noobs” :slight_smile:

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the ones who keep claiming it took them HOURS to figure it out are killing me.
After about 10 minutes of still being confused, most human beings would have ran over to youtube or wowhead or something…I mean, this UI thing has been on the beta for some time now. likely videos all over the place on how to set it up.
Talk about being overly dramatic. lol

Overall im getting used to the new ui. I like it in many ways, it looks crisp and new. I just chose the classic toggle which was good enogh to get me started, but i wasnt trying to do any endgame mythic or raids just world stuff and horseman instances.

My biggest gripes are a huge chat window I cant seem to shrink and a huge maxi map that i cant scale.

My action bars are odd stacked on top, but I ran 2 on top stacked so a third isnt all that bad.

I think the main issue is folks jave been playing tge old ui since 2012 or so and it didnt change much from the 2004 one then. 10 years or more of muscle memory is hard to break and if you are in a big endgame mindset and are used to working almost on automatic then its very jarring.

Think of it like a keybord. Some of us still hunt and peck, some of us type 212 wpm with no errors while drinking coffee and eating cheetos because the qwerty keyboard is just muscle memory. But now put those keys in alphabetical order and its going to majorly hose the 212 typist for a while and cause major grief.

They spent thier time learning back in the day and they dont want to have to relearn it all over at this point. And i get that. It would have been nice for blizz to have a true classic interface preset for those folks without making them search out something to make it work like they remember.

see if this helps.

Would you copy the output text and share it here?
Seems many are having trouble figuring it out. They’d likely appreciate the help, to be honest

Actually it was done for the complete opposite reason but go on.

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try to be more dramatic, guy, lmao.
just do it.