Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

Saying “wasting already strained dev time” on something that is DoA and then recommending it be spent on SoM is hilarious

So cringy bragging about another mans money :skull: wtf

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some keep forgetting half the ills of wrath classic, or classic ot tbcc, came right back in SOM.

Gear elitism as some will no life it. Someone must be WFR, worlds fourth raid. Rag was dropped wow first time, classic 1 to 60 (now era) and then SOM. this would be fourth run.

Arthas would be WTF. worlds third raid lol. Hell the ICC to come soon will be WSR. Worlds second raid.

Gold rushes, bots, etc.

I would very much enjoy a classic Cata… rather this didn’t end this early.


Then your among the few people with that opinion. There is a good reason Cata was when the WoW pop began to plummet. Its a bad expansion, most people aren’t l looking forward to it. WOTLK was WoW’s peak. Been with my guild since Day 1 of classic, and no one in guild, and no one else I’ve run into plans to stay after Artha’s dies.

I doubt people even wait for Halion to come out, once ICC is clear population is going to sharply decline.

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I just want cata for the pvp, and of course what comes after it, can mop hurry up please



Troll post, move on guys.

Its embarrassing watching you all fall for it.

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Let. Classic. Die.

There are other games out there. Classic is all RMT now. If Classic even lasts to ICC I would be amazed, given everyone but whales and bots are jumping ship. Blizzard hates Classic but are doing it simply to soak up demand from the pserver community.

Get real. Classic has MORE PLAYERS THAN RETAIL. LOL. What do you expect them to do with the successful half of the game when dragonflight is failing on all fronts then you have the no updates to wrath like we were promised…Where’s the extra friggin content? I get it’s the lich king but come on give us something to work with. Understand my point now or do you still want to keep that ridiculous opinion?

:clown_face: bots are people too! :clown_face:

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Not even remotely close.

This OP is trying a little too hard.

Typical classic player tbh. Head just ain’t right. Dented multiple times over.

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And this is when the troll revealed itself

I don’t care for Cata TBH. I’m playing wrath because it’s the expansion I enjoyed the most.

That being said, I’d rather blizzard just go back to Classic Vanilla, with balance changes (making more classes viable and such like Boomkin, ele, ret, you get the point) and updates (more raids, dungeons etc). I know not everyone wants that, but classic + Could be another 10 years of fun for them. Basically, a whole new game.

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What you people don’t understand is that you’re playing a “classic” version that is essentially retail.

Gear handed out like candy :white_check_mark:
Multiple versions of dungeon and raid difficulty :white_check_mark:
Achievements :white_check_mark:

Literally the only thing missing that retail has, is cross server LFD that teleports you to the instance.

Retail is that way > they say, don’t realize they are playing a game that’s pretty much retail.

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People want fresh. Restarting fresh gives you something to do other than AFK in stormwind/Ogrimmar between raid logging.

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Wasnt the point to play the old broken versions as an experience?l…its not going to last forever…things move on as time goes on. enjoy the time you have now instead of worrying about new expansions.

<3 10 char…

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You are trying way to hard, and I can’t really figure out why.

No one is buying the “New player here” bs. Sorry. :confused: