Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

You are using asmongold as your source lol lol lol.

If they do they do. If they dont they dont.


Until u get to lvl 60 and then raid log to save buffs.

Nobody wants cata
It’s basically one big cave underground that all the raids and dungeons are in, it’s stupid.
And it’s not classic it’s actually the first retail version


You’re high as f - get off it. Your hyperbole is selfish and wrong and unfunny, we ain’t here for catacylsm, personally it already killed my childhood once.

99% of the people DO NOT want cata what kinda drugs are you taking???

Cata was trash and almost every expac after that was worse off than the one before all the way up to dragon fart.



Now that I got that out the way. 0/10 troll, the only people that want cata are content creators because their jobs depend on having content to make videos about.

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Your guild downed it your first try, so that’s the most impactful moment in your life
? Did you seriously write that? Please reconsider your priorities.

You know, I would be happy if you could talk to Chromie and do pre-cata content during cata. Like the dungeons and map would be pre-cata, but you could still level up to 85 and raid.

But I also don’t want the weird talent system cata did.


I want to recommend the Oscars , no no the Nobel prize to this guy for the best trolling. He actually got people to respond.

I don’t think you know what the Nobel Prize is awarded for.

I do and he should get it for physiology or medicine obviously.

asmons audience is like 12, he is a entertainer, not someone with game development knowledge
he hardly plays the game anymore outside of retail raid logging lol

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Most people against Cata never played it. The game changed massively in Wrath, Cata just added to that and made the game harder and better, then they did it again with MoP. WoD is what actually killed the game with all the pruning and changes. People who actually played all of the expacs know this is true.


Cata has been really over blown for sure. It’s not my favorite but it’s sure better then some that came after.

I would probably say that in terms of changes Cata probably had the most impactful ones and the most noticeable ones in the changes to leveling design and the old world. Panda land had the entire revamp of talents as well.
in regards to “harder” we will probably be getting the last patch balancing again and with that will be the nerfed versions of the cata dungeons.

OP wants Cata, but people won’t even clear ruby sanctum. Game is over once the Lich King dies.

This should have been released before ICC was for sure. Easily one of the most forgotten raids.

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 I may be in the minority here
 But I hated cataclysm, Id prefer them add to WOTLK or do a spin off or something. IMO cataclysm was the beginning of the end of retail wow for me. understandably DragonFlight has done great
 but I would prefer not to relive cataclysm at all

bring wod classic so I can roll glad stance warrior all the way through. I dont care if its not top dps when I go into pvp I want 4 charges and 3 stuns while being super hard to kill sword and board all the way.

How far do you want them to go? Is it MoP? WoD? Should they just extend “classic” into the expansion prior to retail?

Perma WotlK is the only reasonable option for Classic. Preferably they would just wipe it all and start over with fresh Vanilla though.

I don’t think recycling classic through WOTLK with no changes is going to hold people over. I think there’s a happy middle ground somewhere between WoTLK and retail where we can take systems like dragonriding and transmog into WoTLK. Maybe retune some of the classes (albeit with caution) with different abilities and even bring in a Mythic+ system.

you may disagree, and that’s ok. I just think recycling this over and over is not going to work.

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