Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

I could not disagree with you more if I tried.

Especially the talent trees. Those “1% crit” talents allow an insane amount of min-maxing and variety, especially in the PvP scene.

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then I assume you are in all for reforging. Certainly is best way to minmax.
Noone minmaxes critical strike. Hit/Exp and, in some rare instances, haste.

Nonetheless, doesn’t really matter if you agree with me or not. I’m sure we’re both going to be just fine. I hope there will be Wrath era servers for you to play on.

I did like reforging and was disappointed when it was taken out.

Wrath was unfortunately a flop, take a look at the playercount…Theres a REASON they unlocked the servers, and no it wasn’t because they didnt pay the bills. Players have left. Cata will bring em back because trust me, while wrath was just nostalgia bait…DEATHWING APPEARS. I wonder which expansion is better…? Exactly.

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He still streaming from his mom’s basement?

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I will absolutely quit playing as soon as cata is released.

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What a total tool he is. I live 7 miles from there and everything is a total mess. Property values cut, people getting sick, wildlife dying. Just lost any respect I had for him.

Attic actually.

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FYI, his mother passed away.
“lives in mom’s basement”. Dude is a millionaire. He has more than you will ever make.

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Cataclysm did cure my WoW addiction for some time.


Maybe someone should tell him…

At least this explains the hygiene.

Turns out the WoW killer…was WoW itself.


Money can buy a lot of things, but class isn’t one of them.

A shower and haircut goes a long way.


If say that would be mop more so than cata.

so many things killed retail for me and i played since 2004 is how when bfa came out they over loaded the pets toys and mounts it was a bit much at once for a collector to keep up with or even enjoy it how they did it. alsothis new UI is horrible after playing a certain way all those years u log into retail and click a focus target and its on the left bottom corner of ur screen now i often look and look trying to find it . just so many things feel wrong in retail. i was so happy when reg classic came back out.

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“Everybody wants freaking cata its the reason 99% of players are still even playing wrath…”

This is a demonstrably false statement.

Cata is what ruined wow to begin with.

Now, there were changes in Cata I wish had been in place when Classic launched (like each classes main thing being available earlier (cat for at level 10, shadow spec, etc).

But I would prefer a Classic Trilogy reboot before a Cata reboot.

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Cata and on are kinds of expansions I want Blizzard to take features from to improve retail rather than play then as classic expansions to be honest.

Wow. I don’t think I could see someone make a more incorrect statement.

I quit the game after Cata. I did not come back until classic released. I have no problem quitting again if required.

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