Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

The reason that many (I for one) came to Classic in the first place was that this great game was becoming out of this world - as in leaving Azeroth! The Vanilla / BCC / WoTLK trilogy brings back to me the enjoyment that WoW 1.0 once provided. Let Classic end with the Lich King expansion. Going further is just a retail clone. For those who want the level 80 - 85 Cataclysm, please just go to retail. If on the other hand, Cata is in the cards, I implore Blizz to give players the option to decline moving on just as they did when The Classic Burning Crusade superseded Classic Vanilla game.


its not even high on the retail timewalking scene lol.

got your 5 done for the dungeon weekly? OKay, thats done. and move on.

I mean yeahs its fun beating down sylvanas and jaina in the one dungeon. once. then you realize it was jsut an illusion really and then it loses its lustre. back to the real wow
plot armoured mary sue time.

my blood elves if they had the option, yeah, Jaina would have not made it out of torghast alive tbh.

That makes literally no sense, the level cap on retail is 70 and there’s features and content in cata that people want to do, saying go back to retail literally is meaningless.

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Give me archeology or give me death

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cata servers are picking up, probably because people have a blizzard classic and wrath server so it’s new.

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Well, yeah, you always have the fresh idiots who play then quit. Look at all the fresh servers and the servers people transferred to avoid the fresh hype ques, bet they regret that big time now.

Wrath is the end of the line for me. Cata is the beginning of the retail garbage. I don’t care to repeat it.


I’ll play to MoP and probably even WoD, but 100% done before Legion. Legion was the beginning of Retail in my view with the PvP changes.

World of Warcraft ended when Arthas died. Everything after that was a spin off game.


Legion has cool stuff but I always thought Blizzard’s art dept and dungeons and raids were top notch.

It’s always been all the other stuff you do in the downtime that started to just get overwhelming and needlessly complicated.

But I did enjoy pet battles, that was a fun addition.

tf is this?
retail =/= cata
retail = dragonflight.

It’s like one person is saying “i want to drive a ferrari” and you tell him “go by amktrak ticket”

You don’t have to play Cataclysm if you don’t like it.
Same way I opted out from playing vanilla.


Cata was the start of Retail as we know it.

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Lol if we get to that point just don’t do templates this time.

Cata is closer to Wrath than Wrath to vanilla.
MoP is when it started to look like retail.


As someone who played the 2nd half of OG Wrath and all of Cata and MoP, I disagree. Cata was the start of Retail, and MoP sealed the deal.

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Good thing you can always not play it.

I don’t have a problem with Blizzard doing Cata Classic as long as we get WotLK Era servers. My fear is they will do the same thing they did for TBC, and progress everything with no Era servers.


It would be silly not to have Wrath era.
But im afraid they will suffer the same fate as vanilla era. I hope im wrong for everyone’s sake

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For Yungkrayz and others who (as it appears here) were not around as WoW 1.0 retail expansions grew from Vanilla, the final cap before ‘scaling’ was level 120. So to put the level bracket in terms you might understand, look at the levels now required for Uldum or the zones by the portal pad in Stormwind. Myself, I haven’t touched retail since Classic launch. Bottom line: Classic should end with the WoTLK ex-pac.