Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

Lol emm no… If you want to experience cata just go play dragonflight seriously wtf? I’m playing WOTLK and can play the expansion for another 20 years because I love the gameplay specially in PvP so get out of here with your assumptions you’re infecting this forum with your lies and entitlement

Vanilla = retail
TBC = retail
Wrath = retail
cata = retail
etc, etc.

Broken record the lot of you. There are vast differences between cata and even MoP, just as there are vast differences between cata and DF(which is the only “retail” around right now).

You would swear this entire forum is based on the slippery slope fallacy.


CATA sucks and isnt classic.

Sorry but no. You might. I do not.

LOL sorry but no again.

Looking forward to cata classic!


Asmon is a dbag. Always has been. Cata was trash.

Lmao keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better but the fact of the matter is that there are people playing vanilla on several servers /right now/. You can literally take 1 minute to go check and see how wrong you are, but I’m sure you’ll ignore this and keep telling yourself that the world is the way you decided it is based on nothing.

Lmao… I’m gonna trade my classic gold for Retail gold now before it dies completely xD

I’m excited for cata.
I know quite a few people are too.
I also keep seeing people wanting to just quit after wrath. So they are not going to either vanilla nor cata regardless of the outcome.

I dont want to lose years worth of progression on my toon.
Im still farming Anzu. I’d be furious if I get it and next week my toon is gone.

I wasn’t excited for Classic Vanilla, so I simply didn’t play it. IDK why others can’t do the same with cata. Don’t like it. Don’t play. Seems rather simple to me.

  • tons of iconic abilities added that emphasize class fantasy
  • new modernized world w/ much better questing experience. Now lore & stories.
  • Amazing PvP and PVE balance.
  • Much cleaner talent trees. No more useless clutter like 1% critical chance talents.
  • Old world content/raids/dungeons are again relevant for transmog hunting.
  • 2 new amazing races (tho vulpera > goblins ofc)
  • New BG is straight up non stop combat.
  • Reforging - since yall are already minmaxing, this just straight up makes it all better.
  • a lot more flexibility in raiding.
  • Raid were really good. DS was just a tad boring.


Cata was garbage. I hope they skip it and go directly to MoP.


There’s other ways to play cata if they mess this opportunity up.

I know more folks that’d rather have Classic + over Cata to be honest.

whats the point of classic if it’s just retail but a few yrs behind?

To be able to choose when to get off the train. I’ll get off after MoP, definitely after WoD.

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and cata is only a few years ahead.
I mean, you are saying a few years is nothing.
So yeah, cata = vanilla if you think DF=Cata

Oh great… you’re making another thread? The last one no one could even understand you and you kept pointing out you were a raid leader in every single reply. And here you are making quotes about Asmongold again, claiming he’s one of the top warriors to ever touch the game.

You literally say this in every single thread you make. And in all of those threads, most of the people on these forums call you out for your bs and you defend yourself with some Asmongold statement. We get it. You’re his biggest fan and you worship him. To the point where it’s unhealthy.

You really need help. And I do not mean this as an attack towards you. I’m being serious. You genuinely need some help and I really hope that you get some.

You cant say no one wants cata.
I want to play it.
Then next up is MoP.
Good times.


Twinstar had a solid cata scene and there was plenty of people playing it when it launched a fresh a few years back.

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I didn’t mean literally. It’s kind of hard to explain the entire feeling, but the changes to the UI and FOV between Classic and Retail make it feel less personal, each enemy less impactful, and every second relatively pointless.

This was your first mistake.

They did? Awesome!

Nope, I’m playing Wrath to play Wrath. Cata was bad enough the first time around. I have no desire to play it again.

Simple, Cata would not be very popular. I’ll play Dragonflight before I play Cata again.

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