I can’t really think of anything fun about leveling for a month straight to get max lvl and press the same button I had at lvl 10 and the only end game is a raid boss with 0 mechanics and bgs
Well that’s the difference between me and you. The nice thing about opinions is everyone’s entitled to their own.
Dude, you are in the 1% to actually want cata. It was know as the worst expansion of all time when it came out, and it regularly enters the top 3 worst expansions next to WoD and BFA
Why do people here always say “most” when you really have no idea? Everyone knows you have no idea so you just end up looking like an idiot.
Well luckily they have plenty of classic servers for you with a total of 1k players who want classic while the rest can choose if they want to play cata, I think that 1% is you and the extremely vocal minority who want what’s already is out and no one plays lmao
Share a clip of them saying that pls
Nah, OP made it up. Look at his subsequent posts. Obvious troll. Did get a lot of bites though.
You’re delusional man. The core community (who’ve been playing nonstop since day 1 back in 2019) are vehemently against cataclysm. These are the players who make up the bulk of your server.
After you get you fill and quit two months in and only come back for a month for each patch, these are the players who are always there. That’s the playerbase that doesn’t want cata (or retail)
Like I get you want to play it, but wasting already strained dev time on a DOA expansion when they could do classic+ or another SoM is unbelievably stupid.
Also, we love wotlk, even if we love classic more. I’m not sure where you got that idea from.
Agreed. I very much want Classic Cata and all that came with it. I’ve been preparing by leveling different classes for it that were enjoyable in the original, in addition to bags of items for transmog in my character’s banks. I don’t want to start over for “Fresh”. I’ve developed these characters for a reason…to continue to progress.
For me, it was Legion that became Retail as we know it today. That was the xpac that massively revamped the PvP system to the bland garbage it is today.
are you guys tripping???
ASMONGOLD said it is the best expansion and he answers my questions in twitch chat so im that important
Yea people who have been playing since 2019 are just gonna accept losing everything they worked on for years to restart from scratch on. I’d says there’s a high likely hood classic + isn’t happening and literally no one is gonna go play tbc or vanilla. Appreciate you telling me how I’ll play the game in cata considering I’ve played every week since launch. You are the delusional one, keep reaching man
Not that this has anything to do with whether there will be continuous progression in the current Classic series that converges with Retail, but…
It’s a game. It’s also a paid game. So, I suppose it depends on whose point of view you’re looking at.
From the point of view of the developers and company, it’s money, and their livelihood. From the point of view of people who play it, we pay to waste our time in ways that we likely consider to be more enjoyable than other life experiences.
cata = retail
So hopefully there will be no cata.
Agree but I want to take it to the next level. WOTLK had the highest number of subs because BC was so great. WOTLK wasn’t the beginning of the end, it was the end. There were lot of bad features added in WOTLK that facilitate the road for a crap like CATA.
The problem is their whole business model plan. They’re not investing into the preservation of progression and as a result, are torpedoing it in the long run as is evident by the lack of BC preservation.
They used the classic cloning system as a money-making scheme primarily, and not as a way of preserving progression; “you didn’t make your clone, too bad, start all over again.”
I get that this is a business out to make money, but you have to spend money to make money.
If they’re not going to invest even a little on progression preservation, then they’re just dragging us along until each one of us has had enough of the gravy train and jumps off.
Cata was peak what?
Forgettable content?
To me after Wrath, classic trilogy is over. This was a nostalgia trip not a forever progressing stage until dragonflight
That guy is a
It was several months into Cata before the numbers began to drop. A simple Google search for those numbers would have told you that.
It’s the second financial quarter before the bar drops any, and even then not by much, simply down to the same level it was at for almost the entirety of Wrath.
…You must not have logged into retail recently, because the two are WILDLY different experiences down to the way the game feels due to the camera and UI changes. The world feels bigger in the worst ways possible.
because it is bigger. that southern zone of DF if i’m not mistaken is like 3-4x the size of elwynn forest.