Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

Literally nobody wants Cata lol

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So untrue. I know plenty of people who want it, myself included.


I’m pretty sure most people don’t want Cataclysm. I’m perfectly fine playing WOTLK for the time being. Once we hit ICC and every gets cleared, I will finally quit.

Theres plenty of people not playing Wrath that would play cata.

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Cata sucked and was one of the worst expansions ever created, the content was boring the raids outside Firelands were boring. Vast chunks of the player base left because of it. They would be better off skipping it and going MOP.

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To be fair that’s not a bad assumption to make And yeah you’re correct most Classic players don’t want super hard rids or the old zones to go Away.

Why Nostalgia mostly me love the cata Revamp to the world Desolis was better So many zones were better I’m looking forward to cata I do think they should do some changes though.

Thank God. Cata can burn for all I care. I never want to play anything post-Wrath ever again.

Give me a WotLK server with RDF and I’ll just keep playing that.

This. Whatever direction they choose to go I hope they leave a WotLK server running.

IMO Cata is the cutoff point. Everything before Cata is Classic because that’s old world Azeroth. Cata drastically changed the game world and IMO not for the better. That new world is retail.

NGL, unless Ion walks back some crap, before 10.3…cata may get some people to at least burn off sub times.

Way I see it cata could be to DF what TBCC was to SL. A home for people who liked wow. but not latest expac lol.

How my full time stay started. classic was better than SL retail. 10.1 didn’t change that. NPC’s want only the most renowned of players. Yeah, I hope the primalists win at this point.

Hey fire primalist, this dude says I lack renown. He is all yours. Fire away, literally.

Nah, those who dont want cata can go play Era. Cata then MoP should happen.


most impactful moment in your life LOL

Everything past vanilla is retail

Blizzard will have to do something; if history serves – people won’t simply play WotLK indefinitely. Classic Era server (not plural) are booming from HC popularity. The rest of them are empty shells of their former selves.

With the rapid progression that WotLK has, there is a point where everyone has every class maxxed out in BiS and then what? The entire MMORPG model of WoW requires additions or folks will simply churn out.

They can run a similar test as they did with Classic Era->TBC Realm character copies. Perhaps try doing it in reverse where there are simply less Cataclysm-enabled. Luckily they run surveys to get at real data of a random assortment of players as the forums are largely the vocal minority in any game that has official forums.

I would be shocked if, after a time of Cataclysm servers being released, WotLK Era servers do not also become shells of their former selves. It’s already painful to find groups to do dungeons leveling up, Heroics, etc. and we’re only halfway through the expansion. That’s not going to get any better through P3/P4.

“Everbody wants freaking cata”

This statement couldn’t be more false

I mean yeah it is a false statement but it’s also a false statement to say that everybody doesn’t want it either.

And I do think it gets too much hate And I think of a lot of it does have to do with. How bad the first raid tear wat Tear 11 I’m pretty sure is the hardest first rate here for an expansion in the history of the game.

And I think that hurt it But I think people now will handle it fine I don’t know I think cata Has a lot of potential personally i’m looking forward to it.

i do not want to play cata

it is a horrible expansion and you should feel horrible trying to force it upon it

I like it :slight_smile:

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I agree, it wasn’t all bad, there were some good changes, and I didn’t personally dislike the continent changes either, I’m not a classic purist by any means, but it goes way beyond a bad first tier. if my guild decided to go into cata (if it happens) I would play with them, but if they don’t then I wouldn’t go in solo, and I think a lot of people feel the same way.

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Yeah but that’s not a cata thing A lot of people did that for tbc and wrath 2 And again we don’t know what blizzard could change.

Me personally Get rid of hit or Expertise or both of them Because it made reforeging annoying.

Make reputations Mounts and achievements all account wide.

Do weekly events 50% to Experience, Honor, Justice Points,

Let us put are 41 Points wherever we want Don’t make us go all the way down 31 Before we can put points somewhere else.

And a personal one Get rid of inquision for paladins and just bake the damage into the abilities please.

And do something With spine of death wing another phase something needs to Added So it’s not the worst end boss In history twice.

And maybe do some tweaking to Rogues and warlocks specifically subtlety rogues So they’re not the strongest pvp and pve Spec at the same time.

Those would be mine.