Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

oh for sure, Quality of life changes across the board would be amazing, but that seems like extremely wishful thinking given how large of the classic population subscribes to the #NoChanges ideology.

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I think we’re way past the #No changes They’ve already done Major changes to wrath It’s not unthinkable the things i’m suggesting for cata.

We may not have rdf yet but Even if They wait tell icc for Whatever reason :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Aside from that All the other changes that blizzard Have made for wrath have bin good For the most part Ulduar I personally think was too hard for the community but you know.

My point is I don’t think what I’m asking for is so ridiculous at You might think.

I get what you’re saying, but Changing numbers and changing functionality are very different things. The paladin taunt glyph was a tiny change that probably took a lot of deliberation to make for like a 200 dps increase to an already crap spec, and the recent druid change debacle shows what happens when blizzard tries to change things without proper testing, which they came out and said trying to make that change was a mistake so /shrug

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Well yeah And blizzard did make a post saying yeah we’re not gonna do this Stealth changed without actually doing testing first.

I mean Especially if we go Through cata and mop and wod I mean Are you really looking forward to the Is eras where castors are just completely dominant all the time.

Mop was good Especially for pvp but Let’s not get that wrong for 1 mint Robots were completely out of control and completely broken.

You ever see over 25 imps on a screen? I have it’s funny and scary at the same time There’s a reason why they got rid of snap shotting.

On top of that blizzard ever since dragon flight Came in they have gotten a lot better at their communication maybe not for wrath

But they have gotten a lot better with communicating in general that’s all. I’m saying I think it’s worth a shot you no.

Cata is not Classic it’s when the game becomes broken :broken_heart:. Having said that, it’d be sensible to release it for people like you who want it, as there are a lot.

lmao no. And i like how “even asmon” is suppose to mean something

I mean that’s all an opinion cata Depending on who you ask could be the final version of classic because like it or not It is the expansion that brings it all back to azeroth.

I mean you could make the argument is. The? First type of classic plus when they revamped all the old zones What if you’re asking me? Yes this is controversial some people like it some people did I loved it.

I don’t know I just think now the way the player bases cata Just gets way too much hate than it deserves.

I think you are misunderstanding the real heart of classic, because it has less to do with where we are physically and more with the big picture of overall game feel, mechanics, playstyles, systems etc, and Cata definitely was the first big step away from all that, regardless of being back in azeroth.

I mean that’s all Point of view isn’t it I mean by that definition tbc Was a step away from that right ?

The thing is with classic What makes classic classic is all in the eye of the beholder That’s why Classic + Is going to be so hard Because what’s the feel of classic Is different for everybody Outland, Northrin What reason did you have to go back into the old world and either 1 of Those expansions.

You could make those same exact arguments With wrath and tbc At that point so I would say it’s kind of the same difference.

you’re joking right? this is like a troll post?

I think this is where we part ways because you’re just saying “I disagree” to every thing, which is totally fine because you are entitled to your opinion, but what I’ve been saying isn’t just my opinion but rather speaking to the opinion that a large majority of the player base has already voiced. These are not new topics and have been discussed at length across many public forums. Sure, some people may want Cata, but when the definition of something such as “Classic” is only defined by the way the majority defines it because it doesn’t have a strict definition, then you might as well be saying “Well in that sense you could call Warlords of Draenor Classic+ because…” its just not true, but best of luck I hope you have fun in whatever direction wow takes!

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I’d argue that Classic and old school MMO gamers would be against the raid log paradise, the M+ lite Heroic system, and just about every single change to Wrath outside of RDF

If you actually watched asmon you’d know that his favorite expansion is TBC.

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I’ve been saying this but I think they need to add some serious QOL additions or maybe something different if they think anyone is going to bother with Cata Classic.

I’d prefer them just starting over the cycle of Classic.

Classic was never intended to be retail remastered

Literally almost no one wants cata. Cata is not classic at all. Cata is when WoW truly started becoming what retail is today. Technically, end of WOTLK is pushing limits.

I love classic WoW for how different it is from todays retail. It’s like a completely different game. Cata will change this. Them not doing classic cata is a good thing. Want to experience most of cata’s content? Go play retail and start a new character and level through Azeroth

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I knew someone from Blizzard. met him while I was in Seattle and he was too. He was not working there, just visiting. And he even said that lots of Blizzard workers, WoW devs and the such DO watch these forums quite a bit. Thats why I have even posted stuff here on the forums for Blizz to make changes on. He even said there is a better chance getting change here than by getting in by submitting suggestions. Submitting suggestions is what all companies want people to do because it never gets seen by the general public and no one knows how popular that idea is until it is leaked.

All you have to do is make a point, get lots of people to talk about it and then Blizz will see it and then act upon it. Game devs do look at the gaming forums. That is the only way to keep the game from dying. To know what the players are talking about. He played WoW.

You got ratio’d like 150-5 my guy. Accept the fact that you don’t have the majority opinion.

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I do not, that expansion I skipped and thats coming off of clearing everything on my original account since launch of WoW.

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