Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

The game is only like half over you got a while to wait lol.

that could have been fixed with no dragon makeover.

the joy that is…portal room. that didn’t need a dragon.

But how?!

Magic. and a team of laborers to make a nice building.

1000 mages walking around, we gave them jobs. NGL…I still haven’t gotten my head around the Org portal room is walled off lol.
Just something I got used to over BFA then SL lol.

I also liked OG human start. Defias was more interesting to face than orcs. for me anyway.

night elf lands got trashed pointlessly. I guess it was to prepare us for later.

those “outdated” zones and “boring” quests are the reason you are even able to play WOTLK classic now.

Classic 2019 was a massive hit because people love the old wow. People have been playing vanilla pservers for almost 2 decades now. Its a fun relaxing game…

13 likes from a post made 20 days ago, isn’t “everyone wants”. It’s MOSTLY DON’T WANT. Just because you want it doesn’t mean everyone wants what you want. Leave it be and lets keep Classic Wrath of the Lich King. I and many others will continue playing. Thanks Blizzard for keeping us posted? Nah, giving information to one live streamer isn’t keeping us posted.

Can you call Cata “classic” though?

I’d like to believe that Cata/MoP is closer retail than their previous expansions in how the game and your character feels/plays

I uhh definitely do want cata classic… I think for a similar reason that people wanted tbc and wrath classic. I think no expansion has a leveling quality that matches original classic and I am totally cool with them moving in a direction where they focus on adding more to that, but for endgame raids… Classic is kind of bad. Tbc and wrath were better and I think a lot of players wanted a chance to do better in those raids than they did when they were younger… Well I started in wrath but did raiding mostly in cata and mop… I really want a chance to do that again. I really miss the fact that you could get the best gear doing 10 man raids which you no longer can in retail.

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As I’ve said before, I have no issue with Cata’s existence or lack thereof - as long as they don’t pull a BC Classic and replace WotLK with it.

I started Classic because I wanted BC and eventually WotLK so I could remake my mage from back in the day when all the original mechanics were intact (certain talents, etc.)

Yeah, to a lot of people (myself included) an important part of “classic” is the old world being intact.

And incidentally I had no problem with Cata. Actually there’s never been an expansion I “disliked.” The closest was Shadowlands, but only because at first all the progression systems felt like a brick wall. But otherwise, no hate here.

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The quests in cata are just continuations of those same quests.

Clueless. :rofl:

What’s the point of restarting again and again? so we don’t have to play Cata lol

The quests in cata makes more sense tbh.
Have you actually paid attention to what ure really doing in all the zones?

Compared to retail, ye cata would still be classic. Im sure blizzard would remove lfr tho. Cata is just an enhanced wotlk.
Raids are much more fun, except dragonsoul tho🤡

Retail is from Legion and beyond with all the m+ and gameplay systems etc.

I barely call wotlk “classic” so no I wouldnt call cata classic as it continues the same design changes that wotlk started.

nah its cata and on

So many people say “[x] onward is the same as retail.”

Even though retail in its current form is the result of many changes that happened across every expansion. There is no “threshold” that marks a transition from “classic” to “retail.”

Is it before LFD or after?
Is it before LFR or after?
Is it before artifact power or after?
Is it before crossrealm/layering or after?
Is it before craftable legendaries or after?
Is it before a billion different progression mechanics or after?
Is it before incremental ilvl increases on the same gear or after?
Is it before flying became a needless hassle or after?
Is it before pruning or after?
Is it before stat/level squish or after?
Is it before enemy level scaling or after?
Is it before world quests or after?

The answer is none of the above.

I honestly think I would play legion classic over dragonflight though.

I have to disagree with this post. I for one have no interest in cata classic and ive encountered numerous individuals who’ve claimed they wont stick around for cata classic, more so then people who’ve expressed interest in it’s participation. I havent actually run a poll to verify that’s the majority opinion, but i know blizzard did a while back so if they are shying away from it, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was.

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not true. i have no desire at all to go play cata. im perfectly fine playing wrath for however many years i still feel like playing the game.

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nope no cata please and thank you. and if they do make cata leave wrath servers alone dont kill tehm like tbc classic.

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No one wants Cata. Classic is dying and Blizzard is purposefully killing it.

Do they though? Really?

I don’t know. Bliz have done surveys and stuff. They probably simply don’t think there’s enough of a market in it.

Classic was never intended to be the successor to retail. At some point everyone knew it was a temporary venture.

Era servers are getting some life back but the whole thing is living on borrowed time.

I do think there will always be a section of players wanting to dip into classic era servers from time to time. It’s a museum piece.

But developing retail is where Wows future really is. If they can’t do that right they won’t do a classic cata or classic plus right either.