Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

Said the goblin deathknight

Asmon?? Who?

Almost 100% of the time I see someone try and use the word ā€œfactsā€ on here there are in fact no facts lol

Shaggy haired streamer whose ā€œcontentā€ consists heavily of react videos to other peopleā€™s content.

How to say im a zoomer without saying it.

I dont think you understand classic but thats ok.

Blizzard does according to the sub numbers. Itā€™s not exactly a science.

There you go again with BS claims.

HAHAHAHA! Noā€¦ Cata was one of the worst sub declines (according to ā€œresearchā€ and link I posted) besides WoD. Your tongue is changing colors from licking boots.


Iā€™ve never denied the cata lost subs. It was the first thing I mentioned in my post. Yet still the vast majority of wow players continued paying for a sub for two years. According to both my link and yours. So sad you canā€™t even read and understand your own links. Frankly youā€™re too stupid to waste time on.

Wonderful point mankrik.

Focus on your PvE server denty

I mean I wouldnā€™t say 99% of the But I do think thereā€™s more than people give it credit for I personally want to see cataclassic With changes I think people give too much hate to that expansion And the 2 reasons I hear are always so silly to me.

The world revenged sucks it takes away all my nostalgia all my memories are gone Is the zone better I donā€™t know I never play Donā€™t get me wrong there were problems with cata.

To direct changes I would make OK blizzard If youā€™re going to let us have 41 points let us put those 41 points wherever after we hit level 10 Secondly No elefar at least at the start but then again we donā€™t even have dungeon find or so I donā€™t see them putting in LFR.

I do personally think though I think things should be cross faction and cross realm at this point the fashion balance problem is only going to get worse and if the argument is really world pvp.

Thereā€™s this great thing that they could put in itā€™s called war mode And just have all the people that want to do that on that cluster Yes some people hated the underwater zone I personally liked it but I couldnā€™t understand why.

Yeah and dragon soul was not a good raid as a final rate terror end lasted way too long but the molten front the fire lands raid those were all good 1st rate here was completely broken but I think that can be avoided if the redoing it.

And the PVP was solid in a lot of fun And classes well Rogues are broken You think tbc rogues are broken lol My friend you donā€™t know what broken is until youā€™ve battled against a cata Rogue.

LOL you think wrath is too retail so you want Cata??? really? the same Cata that introduced LFR and transmog?

I canā€™t even fathom your thought process.

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No, you were just incorrect about it.

The first thing you mentioned was ā€œI wonder where the hate for cata comes fromā€. Or do you need to scroll up to realize youā€™re wrongā€¦ again.

That was never part of your argument. I enjoy how you try to move the goal posts. It must be a horrible life trying to always be right/correct.

I did and they proved your initial claim to be wrong. What is sad is that you cannot humble yourself to admit that you were wrong. Itā€™s like a flat earther still saying the earth is flat after they have done the tests and found the earth is round. I feel bad for you.

Still projecting your own insecurities. So sad you feel that way about yourself (even if it is warranted). I hope you get some professional help because I doubt you have the aptitude to do it on your own.

It was always my argument. In my first post that you replied to.

Iā€™ve provided links that prove that true. None of your links has proved it false.

finally I can say Iā€™m a 1%er

Sounds like what he really wants is vanilla again.

You canā€™t fathom it because I literally didnā€™t say that.


Jesus you are so angry because you have zero idea how to readā€¦ Itā€™s actually funny. Like a monkey.

Typical classic player. LOLOLOLOL.

Lol exactly. I literally said ā€œIā€™m all setā€ meaning Iā€™m good. No thanks. Not interested. Wonā€™t be playing. No gracias. Chao.

How that dude misread that so badly and got so insanely irrational and upset is actually hilarious.

Heā€™s mad and fighting against his own stupidity :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So long enough for people to get over the initial hype and realize there was very little to stick around for?

Sounds about right.

And broke the entire classic world forever changing the landscape of WoW more towards the current game and less like the ā€œclassicā€ instalments.

Yes you did.