Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

i want cata but from what i understand most people dont

I think I was in the same boat as you untill I started raiding with my guild. Alot of us are out there in wrath. I think tbc players really do not want cata though

it has more raiders than retail, it doesn’t necessarily have more players. Retail offers more content outside of raids than classic.

[quote=“Shadows-grobbulus, post:131, topic:1530508”]
World of Warcraft ended when Arthas died. Everything after that was a spin off game. [/quote]

This. Also a very bad spinoff later.

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You’re the one that (up until now) failed to produce evidence of your claim. You’re also projecting your own insecurities about your intellect by calling others names.

https: //www. eurogamer. net/blizzard-wont-report-world-of-warcraft-subscriber-numbers-anymore

“boosting sub numbers from 7.4 million to over 10 million for the first time in 5 years”.

"On August 2, 2012 it was revealed that subscription numbers had continued to decline, landing at an approximate 9.1 million subscribers. "

https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_of_Warcraft:_Cataclysm#:~:text=Following%20the%20release%20of%20Cataclysm,further%20to%2010.3%20million%20users.

Took me less than 10 seconds and I didn’t argue “I pOsTeD iT a MiLlIoN tImEs”.

I don’t think you even understand what research actually is. Hint: Google isn’t a synonym for research.

Something you seem have have difficulty with.

You’re missing context to go with your statement. Perhaps you could google how to form a proper sentence.

I think I can handle it chief.

If Cata Classic doesn’t happen, I’d be super happy. I’d rather them expand on vanilla or wrath.

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I’m okay with the death of blue next to the corpse of the lich king.

Yea. No one really wanted that apart from a small % of the popluation. Cata was when the old world got destroyed and also when the talent trees and spell ranks all got ruined as well and the old world was deleted and saw the largest sub drop in WoW history. Cata was the beginning of the end for WoW.

If Cata Classic launches then I will say it right now
 I will unsub and play on private severs just to get my actual pre Cata gameplay back. So yea. They better NOT launch it unless they want to once again, ruin the game.


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Agreed. However, the game still held onto it’s popularity over the years. While I hated Cataclysm, there are many who enjoyed it. MoP and Legion were also crowd pleasers.

No one knows what classic players want. But 85% of the wow players played all of cata and into MoP. The vast majority of OG wow players thought cata was sufficiently good to pay the sub cost every month for two years.

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Yea they do. It has been said here for years on the forums, polls have shown it, sub numbers have shown it. I dont want Cata Classic. The SECOND Cata Classic launches I am unsubbing and I will continue to get my Classic gameplay elsewhere.

Cata prepatch had over 250,000 people unsub. Wrath was the highest sub number count in WoW history. Subs have never been the same since Cata and have been dropping ever since. Cata was the beginning of the end for WoW. WoTLK had the highest sub count as well as highest MOA. MOA and subs are often confused. They are two different things.

WOTLK is too retail for me, so moving to cata im all set with.

Focus on relaunch of classic.

I think a lot of the anti cata stuff is just classic andys repeating what a streamer told them to mad about. It’s happened a lot with classic


Like I said, big mad classic andys using words they dont understand

The forums gives zero information about what the much larger mass of players think. There has never been an objective poll done on the popularity of cata. And most importantly the only objective measure is the sub numbers and they show 85% of the wow players played through all of cata and into MoP. The sub numbers show that about 85% of wow players thought cata was good enough to pay a $15 sub every month for two years.

And that number only dropped about 15% during cata. Once again, about 85% of wow players paid the sub cost all through two years of cata

No. I have always been against Classic. I dont watch any streamers ever. I never liked Cata that is when the entire Vanilla world got destroyed and everyone started asking for Vanilla to be back. Cata destroys the Vanilla world/Classic world and that’s a fact. 100% of everything that people came to Classic for is GONE as soon as Cata launches. That is a pretty well known fact. You have less than a handful of people asking for Cata Classic.

This is a good thing because the classic world was already extremely dated and awful in 2010.

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It’s mostly boomer dads who were upset with Cataclysm making class gameplay a lot more involved and complex across the board.


yeah, they start then leave you hanging.

NGL lie, I want the really “motivated” yrel from the MAg’Har race scenario new new Dreanor to be brought back to the real time/universe line.

she’d put the war in warcraft. you will accept the light. If she has to beat it into your skull with a mace, so be it.

for the pure classic folks Retail Mag’har race intro got another another draenor (in a self collaspsing alterenate dimension). having 2 draenors was not enough. 3 were needed lol.

this one has the fanatic zealot Yrel. accept the light
or be purged. she gives 2 options.

Aww hell naw