Uh oh...bad news for cata classic

This is just sad, man.

I wonder where the cata hate comes from. Subs only dropped 16% in cata. 10 million people played through all of cata into mop. 10 million monthly subs is a huge number of subs. It must have been fun enough for 10 million people to play it for two years.

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WOD is where it fell off for me.

Same. I really hated spending so much time in my garrison. If classic gets that far wod is when I quit.

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I generally love alternate universe takes on established lore and WoD could have been great in this regard if the story team actually stuck to a plot with it.

Maybe, but they did buff Naxx, and released Ulduar pre nerf. Wouldn’t surprise me if they release heroics with 4.0.3 tuning.

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That is a possibility for sure, I wouldn’t be upset with either outcome tbh.


I’ve always considered the first three to be “classic”. Cata isn’t classic.

I don’t think Warmane has a cata server anymore due to lack of people playing it. There might be other private servers out there but retail isn’t the answer to those that want to experience crapa.

Do you have verified data to back that claim? Because I watch my guild and 3 sister guilds massively decline through out Crapa.

If that would be true, the majority would be China. Their culture is a lot different and probably didn’t know they were being served garbage. But to them it was probably gold.

According to Blizzard’s officially released wow sub numbers Wrath ended with 12 million subs. Several months into cata the subs declined to 10 million at the end of Cata. Mop released with 10 million and it had dropped to 7 million. There was a big spike with WoD release back to 10 million but a few months later it was back to 7 million and just kept going down to 5.5 million when blizzard stopper releasing official sub numbers. This info is easy to find and has been linked to dozens of times on this forum

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I would bet more people try out cata then if they just redid classic from the start again.

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Are you sure everyone wants Cata?

and many of the reasons people were quitting had nothing to do with the game.

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I don’t hate Cata. It was one of my favorite expansions actually, but it isn’t a classic version of the game really. It was the beginning of “modernization”. Classic, in my opinion, is Vanilla-Wrath.

Well that changes EVERYTHING!

Even the presidents rated cata a solid B.

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Where’s the link to support your claim?

Several months or the end of cata? Seems like you’re pulling numbers out of your bung hole.

I don’t think you played then. MoP had far more players online when it was current on my server.

There is a vast difference (once again) in Chinese subs vs. US and EU subs. Most of those subs (and again) were Chinese, while the US and EU were on a massive decline. Once again, provide links to support your claim or they are entirely invalid. You made the claim so the burden of proof lies upon you.

ef you. The links have been posted here so many times I’m sick of doing it. Everyone here has seen them since we’ve argued about it related to rdf over and over and over again when it was proven that rdf did not cause any loss of subs for over a year and several months into cata

You made the claim first without any links so the burden of proof lies on you. I just made a counter claim. Find proof for your claim before you ask for proof for mine. Blizzard released official sub numbers until WoD. Do your own research before you spout off.

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That moment when someone makes a claim and can’t provide evidence… Gold!!!

Everyone? I was here for all of it. You clearly were not. I agree that RDF was not the cause of sub loss.


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