Ugh... the graphics again

I’m okay to agree for letting this go if they say that this really will be too much time and effort to implement and exactly why.
Otherwise I will still believe that it is not as hard to do as you trying to picture it and it’s not as client-breaking as well.

It was removed from retail for a reason.

If that reason isn’t good enough for you, go back to retail.


Obvious :fishing_pole_and_fish: thread, but I’m going to respond anyway because I find this sort of thing amusing.

To put it bluntly, to those who enjoy new models, you’re entitled to think and feel that way, but the Classic devs have already said, “I know there’s been a lot of discussion on the forums, but don’t worry, we know what classic really is”. In short, that doesn’t include your requests for your updated models. They weren’t a part of vanilla in the past, so why are we trying still to convince the developers of something that will never happen?

I’m playing classic for the full experience, and if you want your updated models, you’re still subbed to the current game and can enjoy it there, alongside transmog, AOE looting, and other menial conveniences.





And this. Ha, so true. BFA looks like Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

Honestly, the lack of transmog is a feature if you ask me…Nothing like seeing some random wearing pink robes and a bird for a hat. I have to spend the extra effort to inspect them, each piece of gear, to make sure it’s actually useful for their role.

Nowadays, in WoW Classic, I can tell who is actually useful almost by one look. “Oh look at that guy, I see a bunch of T1 and T2”

I’m glad I have led another onto the path of righteous graphics.

I can’t believe they didn’t add a graphics toggle option.

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“You get recommendation to consume vitamin C when you get flu for a reason! Stop asking why!” The reason is its cheaper to produce and easier to sell, and it is not helping almost at all.

“Cereals for kids are recommended for a reason”. The reason is that they are easy to produce and easy to sell, cause it has a lot of sugar, and kids get addicted to it. And they are tastier than a healthy fruits and veggies.

“Magical belts and pills for weight loss are recommended for a reason”. The reason is that it is easier to sell them than fitness card where you will never go or sell active life and healthy diet without carbs.

There are reasons that are strange and sometimes false. You need just to seek out the information. And I want this information “why they got rid of toggle” cause I think that they got rid of it not cause you implying “cause it breaks stuff” but cause they just didn’t want to support new models and old models altogether, cause its x2 works for QA, animators and client devs.

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But they have literally the entire life of WoW to perfect it and make it happen.

Not worth it. At all.

They have more important things to worry about.


This fellow gets it. Gameplay and authenticity is the goal of the project. Stop trying to include things that are out of scope. (Ever heard of scope-creep? Yuck)

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I love this guy or girl ^

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I would rather see them fix the issues I’ve found on the stress test realm than waste resources on a character model toggle.

Especially since they went to great lengths just to get the old art working again.

its classic dude. its going to look like that obviously lmao what a doofus! :rofl:

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Lol ikr…

Your’e quite the historian.


I’m female-bodied. Mostly it means I have a thin chin-beard that will never get all that long. Not a beard like Hans Nilsen Langseth. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I agree with this post I surely wish and hope that they make a updated Toggle on/off option for updates textures / models. It would be awesome but I truly cant see Blizzard doing the leg work to make that an option. Its time, vs expense, vs attention to a pre-existed rollback patch realm creation. The main focus isn’t on aiding our wants for something they already confirmed at BlizzCon they wouldn’t make additions or edits too anything other then making the BFA Engine work for 1.12 to have it accessible without weird bugs etc. If Blizzard always did what we wanted or aided our opinions the community wouldn’t deplete nearly every expansion with offering 6 month payment option subscription deal to give a new mount for the next half of the year until they drop another expansion in hopes it reignites interest. Have to make sure bills get paid they can’t lose money. I think sometimes as Gamers, WoW Enthusiast you can sometimes forget that it is “Business”. A successful one at that.


Gameplay is Gameplay

Graphics do not effect Gameplay

New Age Graphics on 1.12 doesn’t change the Game or any Content

2019 - most gamers have 1440p - 4K Gaming Rigs

2004-2006 you could play WoW classic with 2gbs of ram on a garbage Gfx card and a dual core processor on a RPM HD Drive.

It comes down to blizzard doing the leg work and letting us have it because they hold the nuts in there jar our words and wants are just words and wants. Although some or most blizzard employees are passionate about the game some are faking it because its there JOB they pay there bills from it. they do what there told or whats expected of them.

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TL;DR – The graphics are supposed to be outdated. That’s the whole point.