Ugh... the graphics again

Ahahahaha. I almost died at THIS moment

It clearly says all about old graphics.
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Stick with old models.

Someone pointed out that they removed the toggle because the new animations didn’t jive with the old models. Pretty easy to assume they new models won’t jive with the old animations.

This makes me think they couldn’t easily do old/old and new/new even though the demand was there. So I don’t think they’re going to do it for Classic. Especially when it has objectively fewer devs working on it. Less time to make these kinds of intense and difficult changes.


Imagine thinking any of the original models look good.

According to the world at large, so is the gameplay, style, and format. So they’re on point.

Mine waves its hands around like its shaking dice.

Then why do you care about the graphics.


I’d be more concerned with asking for graphic updates because one thing leads to another and all the mobs in the word have the BfA graphics (elements, wolves, worgs, bears, etc) along with characters and at that point it ruins some nostalgic value.

Having a toggle wouldn’t be fair unless they let me have a toggle on retail to turn old models on as I seriously hate new tauren models.


They can add a toggle only if:

  • They give priority to the old models first
  • Any sort of toggle isn’t given priority over other features from Classic first
  • If they do decide to stretch one texture over a skeleton, they stretch the new textures over the old skeletons instead of the old textures over the new skeletons
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I understand that. But in Classic, there is no new animations only old which were working fine with new models for the start of legion, till they started to add new animations (like cool ninja moves of the rogues).
Within the classic there is nothing that can’t work with new models since as I understand they have same animation bone/skeleton structure.

I can’t speak for the other guy, but I wear clothes because for me to walk around naked in public would lead to me being arrested.

The graphics are fine. If you don’t like them, you don’t need to play.

If the skeletons were the same, they wouldn’t have had any issues with new animations. Unless you mean the textures didn’t work. If that’s the case then we’re still stuck with an issue that requires the limited time the devs have to make the new textures work on the old skeletons.

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They’re gorgeous


They get the job done and actually work well in the general atmosphere of Classic.

To me the new models look awful. Not to say vanilla models look great, but I can’t stand the artstyle with the new models myself. They look overly animated which makes an already cartoon-ish game look every more so to the point of animaniacs and the like


Agree on that 100%.

I heard this from somewhere else of this forum and I, to be true, don’t understand what you are talking about. Could you maybe link something like a reference to this issue?
When they changed animations they just added new clips to old models, when they updated old models with new one they made same model types with same bones so animations would work with old assets (as it was in Legion). I’m not sure I get what “stretching textures over skeleton” means.
Here you can see how they changed animations for old models (added new clips of animations to old models)

If it worked just fine, then why was the toggle removed from retail. I’d prefer the old models but I’m not completely opposed to a toggle. It’s just that a toggle has been shown not to work and I don’t think they should spend any time making it work. Especially considering they killed it once already. Making me think it just wasn’t worth the effort.


Gonna be honest, I’m kinda looking forward to those old graphics. I’m not really a fan of Retails.

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You mistyped “They’re garbage” :smiley_cat:

At some point during Legion, they, for some reason, decided to important the new animations onto the old models, likely because of an armor stretching issue they were facing. So, in order to fix it, they decided to overlay the old model textures onto the new model skeletons.

The result was uncanny.

Unfortunately, I lost all my gifs, but it was as minute as some of an orc male’s frontal teeth merging together, their fingers warping into thin twigs every time they spoke in say, or their brow being straight up lower on a couple of faces, making it look as if they lack eyes almost entirely.

You can see it a lil’ bit in the video, actually. When they compare Live and Legion side by side from the front, their faces look so much different and their hands are shaped different as well. The hand part looks minor, but I assure you as soon as that model starts /talking, it’s a small horror scene.

Why is it always the people who cry the most about wanting better graphics the ones who say this. Clearly Classic isn’t just about the gameplay for you…

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Ya the new models are indeed trash


They decided to give the old models the new skeletons just so they wouldn’t have to make new animations for both sets of skeletons.

As a result, they broke it.

But yeah, prior to that there were lots of issues with old gear not sitting properly on the new models. Clipping and such where there wasn’t any before.

I don’t want them to waste time on rehashing a toggle that got abandoned.