Ugh... the graphics again

I would love a toggle switch for graphics. I personally would like to have better graphics but I understand why some people might not want that.

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All characters in your screenshot are beautiful individuals. Unless you’re making horrid YouTube content that tries to be as fantastic as “Gorak’s Guide to Classic Wow” ( with it’s gorgeous aesthetics, you may be doing it wrong. :slight_smile:

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I would replace the textures and swap the models myself, but you can get banned since this hack can be abused to replace thorium nodes with ragneros models

BfA has everything you want Classic to have, friend. Take a jog over there and leave Classic alone.


There’s nothing wrong with swapping low res textures with HD ones


Move on if those annoy you. You may get the models stretched over Classic frames. Animations will not change. BfA animation is horrible anyway.

The model toggle may happen or may not. If that’s a game breaker stay on retail.

No. The new models have no business being in Classic.


They are outdated, and that’s what gives it the charm that the majority of us seem to love and adore. Particularly, it helps invoke the memories of when we actually played vanilla wow. It isn’t a downside.

Visuals are just as much a part of the gameplay experience as mechanics. You are simply attempting to invent excuses to serve your personal preference. Nothing wrong with that, but don’t try and pass it off as anything else. It doesn’t make it suitable for Classic WoW.


New models would be good, but without transmogrification I still have no interest in doing the slog that was vanilla gearing again.

God, I laughed so hard. Thanks for the link. Subscribed to that.
But you see all those expressions and all this animation was unique and hand made in recent year. Right now in classic wow a lot of animations are strange, for example orcs’ running animation or as ai said before any “activate/gathering” animations (character just standing there in idle while doing or gathering something for quest).

I personally think the old graphics look better. Especially the orcs, I think there design in classic was better than it is now in retail.


If it has everything “you want” why you waiting for classic but not playing a BfA? I clearly stated I love classic gameplay. BfA now has no good gameplay features. I already tapped M+ and raised stupid azerite necklace to 50 so I have nothing to do there. All other old garbage is irrelevant cause it has no meaning there, you already beat titans and gods and whoever, I want to be noone and wear greens for life and be happy to obtain blue or do Onyxia key chain quests again.
Retail hasn’t everything you want not me nor a lot of people who waiting for classic. And clearly you didn’t read between sentences or read in the thread.

Having played the stress test there is absolutely no doubt that the new graphics look considerably better. Especially with respect to:

  • character models
  • faces
  • texture resolution
  • polygon count

That said, the old graphics still look ok. Not great, but not unplayably bad either.

Also, when you login to Classic, I suggest the first thing you do is go to graphics options and crank everything to max. At least in the first stress test, that gave you Retail-quality shadow and water effects, which greatly improved the look of the game.


Yes, they are. I’m confused. You seem to be operating on the basis that people are arguing that the fidelity of the textures, the polygon counts of the models, and the quality of the animations in classic are better than current retail.

From those points of view, they’re objectively worse than retail.

However, that does not matter. At all.

Classic WoW is as authentic representation of vanilla era WoW as Blizzard can make, and it should stay that way. It’s sorta the whole point of it, and what the majority of us are looking forward to. We don’t want “updated” or “improved” anything – even visuals.


It’s not excuse. I already said I totally and genuinely want new graphics and why I want them. And I don’t push this at expense of anyone. Cause I want a toggle. If blizzard would say: “welp we can’t make a toggle, we only can change those new models for everyone or no one”. I would be both hands up for not doing it (but they clearly can do the toggle, cause it already worked before). Cause I clearly understand how people feel about old stuff. I know what nostalgia is. But for me vanilla wasn’t in looks it was in gameplay, and I loved graphical evolution of this game throughout TBC and WotLK.

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While I can’t speak for Blizzard, I would say the argument against a toggle is creating a strong brand identity. They will have both BFA and Classic running side-by-side. If I were them, I would want all streams, videos, and screenshots to very clearly indicate the version in use so that it would create a consistent identity for the market. This means consistent visuals.

That, and you could then argue toggles for a near infinite amount of other items (even non-graphical toggles) under the guise of “it won’t be at the expense of anyone”, and as Blizzard I wouldn’t want to deal with the community over that. Simply put, they should commit to the single goal of an authentic Classic experience.


I concur, please give us the option to Toggle on/off new character models.

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classic gnomes are hilarious. I would play one if i wasnt horde

Why don’t u understand that toggled option for new graphics is only for those who toggle it? Like a color blind mode. You toggle color blind mode? Do you even know that it exists? I do but I don’t. Cause I don’t need that. Some people need that and I’m fine with it. I need new graphic mode toggle. For my … better experience of the classical gameplay. No one would see me playing as new model orc, cause it will be only for me.


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