Ugh... the graphics again

Wasn’t there a toggle in the retail game when they made the switch? Asking seriously as I don’t play and don’t remember for sure.

I want to say there was a toggle. And it got removed. That’s why we shouldn’t have one in Classic.

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Why thank you! :slight_smile:

I honestly see no harm whatsoever if there is a toggle on/off. That way, for those who want to see updated graphics they can, and those who don’t, won’t. It won’t affect their gameplay whatsoever. Everybody is happy.


Vanilla, TBC and Wrath didn’t had better art style than other expansion, it just that I like Wrath theme more than what cata had to offer.

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There was, but it tried to apply newer animations to older models, making things not work properly (if I’m remembering this right).

In my mind, if a toggle would exist, players would have the new models/animations or old models/animations and not try to somehow combine the two.

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Okay. You have points here.
Except they are describing you as someone who is PERFECT in every direction, the true rational thinking man. No regrets, straight and forward. Which I struggle to believe.

But tell me if you are so “don’t caring” about visuals why you just not letting me have what I want since we both established that I do care about looks? I don’t speak about the fact that I actually asking toggle, which you will never see/use and enver xperience if you don’t want.
But you stating that I need get rid of my obsession of how things look emphasizing on mine obsession with it. If you really “didn’t care” you would just pass by, without any comment, yet you are here, commenting on my “caring” about things.

If I care about things and you don’t like it that means that you also care about things but want them to stay the same visually right? Than you also obsessed with old looks, that means your first description of yourself is false (ANd really I know its false, we all do lie online about what we are, cause it is in human nature, it’s mentally and almost physically HARD to say that “yep, I’m THAT pitiful no-lifer and I care about silly things that make my life more vibrant, cause I have nothing else to enjoy in reality”.

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Yeah. I agree with the idea of a toggle if they can make it work. I just don’t want anything non-essential (like putting in new character models) getting in the way of the release.


You have new graphics in BFA.


My concern with new graphics is whether the increased pixelation will gum up server speed. I don’t want a laggy affair like retail is like when an area gets busy.

BTW, for the Classic graphics, I recommend people go into the interface options>advanced, and fiddle around with your gamma, brightness and contrast. You can make the game look a lot sharper.

One thing I never noticed before was when I was walking through the grasses in the nelf zone, the grass would quiver. Kinda neat!

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Literally half of the post describing how I’m enjoying actual vanilla gameplay.
Also second part describing what exactly I don’t like about old graphics.
Is this not enough? Is this … hysteria for you?
Can you please elaborate where I’m being hysterical and why is my description of what I don’t like exactly isn’t the same what that dude early wrote about toggle, which I also asked for?

Such posts… I don’t know how to label them, really make me a bit disappointed.

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IMO, every post sounds angry and hysterical. Your opening post in the thread had multiple phrases in all caps, which is the internet equivalent of shouting. And you do that quite a lot in your threads. I get that you obviously feel very strongly about this, but dude. Calm down.

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Am I unaware of something?
I thought that all graphical stuff processing on your computer. THe server is actually just sending only numbers and text which model form which folder on your computer to use. Server doesn’t process anything. For the server all models/animations/VFX are just packs of numbers. As I know ofc.

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I think that smoothness is a big reason wow was so successful in the beginning. Like you said, everything else (especially at the time) was a jumpy and laggy mess.


Hm. I didn’t know that this makes people think it’s hysteria. I thought that you kinda emphasizing with caps, like WOAH PEOPLE. But okay. I will try to use caps less often from this point.
My post wasn’t filled with hysteria. I genuinely want new graphics being able to be toggled even if those will be visible only for me. I understand that people beside me want to experience 100% vanilla at its glory, but I don’t. And I expect from people to understand why and be also acceptive of this.

But mostly ofc this is a shout out to blizzards.

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I never claimed I don’t care about visuals. I do. It’s just that what I care about isn’t having the “latest and greatest” graphics. If Blizzard had ONLY made things high-res over the years, I’d be quite happy.

Instead, with every iteration of updates to the graphics, new art people put their ideas into what things were supposed to look like - and taking away appearances people had carefully chosen for their characters. This character didn’t have a bland expression. My female dwarf didn’t have dull brown hair. Characters I spent large amounts of time getting just right, sometimes even logging right back out and deleting and starting over, stopped looking like my characters.

I wouldn’t care too much about a toggle if Blizzard had proven they were actually capable of making one that works, not just now but ongoing into the future, in Retail. They added one after enough people complained about those new graphics you like, only to break it partly, break it some more, and finally give up on it by BfA. (How would you feel if they put in a toggle, but then 1 or 3 years from now, with some Retail expansion, it wound up broken so the characters with new looks you’d chosen suddenly looked like whatever “face #3” and “ear #6” looked like in vanilla?)

Of course, all of that is trying to sidestep away from my original point. If you claim GAMEPLAY is the most important thing, enjoy the GAMEPLAY. It’s not, as your posts are making clear, so you shouldn’t be making the claim in the first place.

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One thing I wouldn’t mind if later they did an optional high resolution texture pack download for the game. But I would like them to use the old environment textures as a base for it as opposed of creating entirely new one not based on the originals like they are slowly doing on Retail. That will help keep everything feeling more authentic to classic even if they are of a better resolution.

Sorry, being in the stress test/beta does not remove the nature of blatant troll threads.


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Your opinion. Mine is that they’re awesome and it’d be a waste of time to implement the new ones. Not to mention some people would get worked up over it.

They’re not in the spirit of the game, it sets a bad precident, removes the chance at actually good updated graphics, wastes time/money/effort since they’d have to finagle the old WOD models in without new animations and doesnt fit the old world assets. Even the extra graphics they are allowing is a strange choice.

Edit: Also increases file size.


I like how classic graphics looks also spell effects are way better than retail


This is all fixable with toggle. You get your looks, I get mine. We both happy. Ofc some things can break when you develop new stuff (which they were for legion artifacts, for new animations/abilities and while they do so their QA should not also check if everything worked perfectly with new models but with old also. And as one person said in other thread about same topic: “they just looked at statistics and saw that most of the people didn’t play with old graphics so they got rid of it”) but old stuff worked perfectly fine.

With classic being working as intended all animations and models should work fine, cause again as I explained how I see client work in other thread, and I’m 80% sure that this is how it is:
Server sends to client an information that guy#1 uses new graphics and guy#2 uses old ones. They boss using orcs mages and one of them casting fireball. Server sends to client of guy#1 that graphic card should render stuff rom folder #2 where all new assets is stored, and it sending to client of guy#2 the #1 folder where old assets are stored.
So they basically see the same LOGICAL stuff, covered with assets which stored in different folders.
I can’t be sure that this is exact scenario, but I’m sure it is similar to it.

I didn’t claim it as it is crucial for me (although it is, and if Blizzards will not let me have a toggle, I will still be playing classic. But At the same time visuals for me are crucials as well, just not as much as gameplay). I said that as a fact for types of you (excuse mua if you aren’t that type) who are against the toggled options cause #nochange and “muhvanilla” nonsense.

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I have. I want to roll Elsa as a frost mage