Ugh... the graphics again

It wasn’t in Vanilla and Classic is attempting to closely mimic Vanilla in every way Blizzard can do it within the modern system framework. That’s the reason. That’s all the reason anybody needs.

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If your opinions are:

  • not was in banilla
  • muh persanel apinian should be the firstest and mostest valuablest
  • you go from waw and don’t came bakc
  • me no avidanes but they said that dey will not do thath
  • me no evidance butt they dunt wont to du thas

Then it is NOT a right reasons. These aren’t even reasons.

Well look at that.

I’m 90% positive on that some of those people who voted for NO didn’t get that this is OPTIONAL and they won’t lose anything from haVing that OPTION.
Its just like old ladies who afraid of 5G. They think that this is some evil thing that put a cancer in their peepees and votes for Trump when they don’t even understand what it is and what it does and won’t benefit or lose anything if other people have it or not (heck they even benefit from it cause other people will work much faster, which in this case will give more people to Classic WoW to play with/against)

What is your arguments are?

I mean. When I ask for food. I’m stating that reason I’m asking for food is cause I will live and work and will give money to taxes and everyone will benefit from it. You, me, society. But I’m also asking for my own food cause I have problems with digestion. I don’t ask to take food from you or anybody else, cause I know that when other people eat, they also will be happier and live long live and create things I will enjoy.

But you asking for food for YOURSELF and you asking to NOT give food to me. What reasons do you have with this statement? What is it in your brain that justify this VERY IMPORTANT REASON™ that you so eager to defend? I just don’t get it.

I don’t know how many times I have to type out the same thing. I’m not opposed to a toggle so long as it works and doesn’t take a lot of time away from anything else. I believe the onus is on you to prove that it will work and won’t take a lot of time since you are the one asking for a change.

My position is the game should be left alone. Since you want a change, prove to me your change will work and won’t take a lot of time. You’ve already admitted in another post that it might take a lot of time and that you don’t care about that. Well perhaps others do care since it will take time away from other things.

You’ve also tried to argue against me by saying this is a one time thing and once done, will be done forever. The obvious question is what happens when a new animation comes into being? Or the models get changed in some other way on the “live” version of the game (higher rez). Say they put in a new animation for fireball. Are you going to want that to be translated over to Classic? I suspect you will. Meaning this will be an ongoing problem.

People continue to give reasons why the toggle was removed from the live game but never go on to explain why this suddenly won’t be a problem if they put it back into Classic.

I just want to know why the toggle was removed from live and why the reasons it was removed don’t apply or won’t be an issue for the game if they put it into classic.

I can’t. That’s why I stated that I’m just waiting for officials to respond to this. ANd if they will state that “yes it is hard to make/take too much time” I will shut up and will wait till they have the time to implement it. Look previously above.

Yes I did.

I did not such a thing. I stated that I understand and if this is true. I’ll shut up and will not ask for it or I’ll ask for it when they have time for it. Also look at posts above.

I hardly can understand this point. There is something that already working. They already DID it. And if they will change something that will affect “new” models and VFX which YOU personally will never use/see/acknowledge. Why do you care? Yes, if they change fireball in retail and this will change “new” VFX in CLassic when toggle is on. I’m up for it. But it will not affect your personal experience since you still see OLD VFX of fireball. That is the beauty of something that called OPTIONAL.

Cause… it will not … bring any… difference? I can’t see ANY issues except bugs for QA checking that this feature can bring. And if they don’t have time for checking (as I said before) I agree that they must postpone it for future when they have time for that. But they must include this OPTIONAL feature, for the likes of me.

Me and people already answered that in this exact thread and in “graphic wars” thread. Not once but at least three times.

K, I’m done.

Why did they remove it? Why would they turn around and add it back? Why would would the reasons it was removed not still apply?

I’ve seen the answer to the first question a couple times, something about the skeletons not working right comes to mind. But then the reasons why this wouldn’t be a problem now are not explained.

If it’s somewhere in the hundreds of posts between this thread and the other, please point it out. I wouldn’t have the slightest idea what to search for to find it and I’m not reading both threads again from start to finish.

I can summarize answers that I found while were researching this:

  • technical issues with different bone structure of new and old models. Since blizzard developed new sharable skeletons through all races (so they could share one animation no matter the size or shape) all old skeletons were not capable of doing so.
  • to support different types of skeletons with newly added abilities which required new animations (eg: Rogues Shadow Strike) they would need to create two different animation files for different model assets (old and new) which isn’t very intuitive in terms of workflow simplification and convenience.
  • people weren’t using it as Blizzard would hope they will, so they stop supporting it cause of it. It’s the same with Oil Paint in Photoshop. They removed it when they gathered a data from using this filter in Photoshop, but then they put it back for some reason I don’t know why, might be cause of backlash it caused from loud minority (wink wink nudge nudge).

Mostly it was cause of technical reasons which led to supporting two different asset groups with newly added assets (animations, races, models, skills/abilities) cause it is rather hard to support something that isn’t used as much but fully capable of eating 50% of the time to support/develop.
In terms of THIS thread they don’t need to develop anything. All stuff is already exists and function properly (as I understand), they just need to implement it to Classic and check once in a while after next patches or bug fixes that it doesn’t break anything or itself, which I know is additional work, but not as much as in retail, cause there will be no newly added animations/skills/abilities or gear that they need to support.

(you need to understand that this is just a speculation, there are literally no blueposts about this anywhere why and causes so all we can do is just a gather little by little informations and assumptions why this happened and apply our experience and rationality as I was doing whole this thread)

The issue, isnt really what you ask for, the problem is, once you allow any change, its a pandoras box, people will ask for other “little” changes, and many little things leads to retail… so as i said before, its just simple for us to say… #no changes

since any changes how small they might be, is the road to ruin and retail, and i dont want to go down that road again… little insignificant changes is the road to a ruined wow and retail… no thanks

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They will. They are asking right now. And it’s fine and completely okay.
But there are REASONS why people ask for changes and there are REASONS why blizzards will/not do them.

You need just insert your rational thinking here.
Almost all people who want to play Classic agree that we don’t need any gameplay changes that differs from vanilla. And Blizzards agree with this. So any “please add” request will come through this filter: does this request affect gameplay?

If yes: there is 90% chance that it won’t be done
if yes but 90% people demand it: it has 90% chance to be done.
if no and at least 60% of people demand it: then it has around 90% chance to be done.
if no but only few people want it: then it has very little chance to be done.

I’m as well as other people don’t want to change gameplay of the Vanilla very much (maybe fix bugs here and there and make stuff consistent, cause it wasn’t developed properly, like sometimes quests do showed on minimap as “!” sometimes they don’t and inconsistency is cancer)

And if people demand something that affect the gameplay (like transmogrification, even that I really want transmogrification be a thing in classic but I understand that it completely messing up with drop) I will stand beside you to defend your right to play vanilla experience. Cause I want it too.

But if they will demand something that will not affect your or mine or any other gameplay at all, just theirs, this I can stand with them. Cause they have all rights to ask for it.

My rational thinking is that they are still working on bugs and other things (upcoming stress test, etc). to get ready for launch. They should continue spending their time and other resources on those important things. The quality of the overall game is far more important than wish list items (esp this close to launch).

Where’s your research and evidence guy?

I don’t want new models. And I sure as crapfire don’t want new animations. No toggle either.

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I hope you guys realize there is going to be texture packs for download that you just drag and drop in the files. Thats what people do for pservers.
Stop asking for official support, it will literally take 5 minutes to install yourself when the game is out

edit - I dont know about models but post cata graphics will definitely be available for those who want it

Blizzard has banned people for this in the past and actually said they will keep doing this in future because these types of mods that alter the physical world on client side are rife with exploitation and can degrade and cause problems.


Please do not download any “graphics packs” as you will be asking for a 1 way ticket to the banhamer

Also, Grold, there is currently no option for graphics/model toggling and they said they werent doing that at this time.

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Im sorry, but saying people will be banned for copy pasting cata graphics in the client is ridiculous.
There is no way to get banned unless you are streaming with it.
Regardless if it is technically bannable or not, people are going to be doing it and its probably the only option that people have if they want better graphics.

edit- I personally enjoy the old graphics for some odd reason, but im just letting people know there are other options if you want to go the extra mile for graphical fidelity

i would be fine if they added a toggle if these conditions are met:

  1. the old models would be default.

  2. any problems that would arise they would revert everyone to the old models (things like animations being wonky or clipping issues or whatever).

  3. all animations would use the old models animations and skeletons if there was an issue with the new animations on the toggle.

all 3 of those conditions would have to be met and people would have to realize that the old models and skeletons have priority when it comes to classic. the toggle would be developed after the game came out and would not be allowed to eat into time they could spend bug fixing and what not.

they havent been able to make a toggle yet that worked so bleh i would default to the old models and skeletons and just be done with it.

You do understand that the new textures hurt one’s fps especially for raiding?

I’d take my classic smoothness at 1440p now over my old 4k retail anyday.

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it creates a unique ping to their system.

They have caught, and will keep catching these people whom have the graphics mods because it has to overwrite specific portions of code.

Believe me if you want to or not.

Either way. There are blue posts specifically saying “dont do this.”

Have a good day

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You have literally a link above several post where people had a poll and decided that more than 70% aren’t against toggle.
30% who are against it and 70% who in favor… hmmmm. What is greater?

Also evidence of what do you need again fam?
All I was stating was my speculations and thoughts. But people (like you) spewing “FACTS” and accusations of something like:

  • “they will never do this”
  • “they said they don’t want to do this”
  • “they can’t do this cause technical reasons”
  • “you don’t care about anything and want all stuff only for you”
  • “you care only about visuals but the gameplay is the most valuable part of it”

if you claiming this, you are surely have some links and evidence to provide aren’t you?
I went there and googled it and found nothing that would prove your statements.
Blizzards didn’t stated anything in particular on this matter. Will they do that or not? — Nobody knows.

Isn’t there a video on YouTube showcasing a side-by-side of Wow classic with old and new graphics? I’d assume there’s a toggle of sorts like there was for vintage graphics for Might and Magic X.

If I’m thinking about what you are thinking about: it was something like fan made upgrade of old zones from vanilla.
I didn’t see any other comparison videos. But if you find one please share. Would love to see that.

Uh… there is literally auto toggle which is working as intended right now that switches quality to lowest when you are in raid. So I don’t see a problem here. Especially with latest card upgrades that a lot of people have today in comparison to old days 15 years ago.

Is that available for Classic?

I run a 2080ti so I’m not hurting but i could tell that Classic felt so much more fluid. Maybe because i could hold 120hz at all times that matches my monitor.