Ugh... the graphics again

With such a mediocre mindset then it would be pointless to complain for anything. With suchmindset we would still be stuck with their original plan for loot trading and sharding and EU wouldn’t have language specific realms.

Your argument is beyond fallacious, the fact that you’re not willing to voice our your concerns does not mean it’s not worth doing, and quite honestly I fail to see why even try to stop other people from show their discontent.

It’s not subjective. Proper can be used to denote something as good-looking or pretty. Now you might come forward and say that beauty is subjective… well I’m sorry to break it to you but it’s not. It’s a measurable scale that is determined by variables such as symmetry and proportion, all of which are much better accomplished by the high polygon count models.

It can mean genuine as well. Using that definition, I’m more right than you since the old models are genuine to the game.

Look dude, I just made a funny play on words. I’m not telling you that you can’t like the new models more.

You are one of the few that is unhappy with Classic. You are one of the ones who is not going to get what you want. You are one of the ones wasting your time here.

As to the rest of us, we are please with Classic and can’t wait for it to go live. As for me personally, I am very pleased that the new models and animations will never pollute the Classic game.

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FACTS CHECK and SOURCE PLEASE. Or stop generalizing your own personal opinion.

You must be a freshman in college. One of those people who just recently learned the phrase “Correlation is not causation”. Hint, you are learning shut down speech, not debate.

Most people do not want the new models, and they don’t want the new animations. You can “fact check” this for yourself by using the search feature of this forum.


Look at all the research you’ve done and evidence you provided.

Most of the people want to play with new visuals they just don’t stating it here, cause they see how egoistic, egocentric and full of denials you people are here.

See how easy it is to claim something I have no proof of and hadn’t reaserached at all.

In seriousness. MOST people don’t care if there will be toggle or not. Only you and few loud minorities are against it. MOST people understand that when something is OPTIONAL they don’t require to use it. And MOST people aren’t as egoistic as you are to claim that something that they will NEVER see, use or interact with will have any impact on their game.
And this is almost a fact.
I would love to create a poll here to prove this to you, but I can’t cause there is no such feature in WoW forum sadly. And since I’m the one guy who is a everyday guest in such threads as this one, I can assure you, I only see few of your kind and MANY of people who in favor/don’t care (which is the same since again: it’s optional) that this toggle will exist.

Actually the opposite is true. From PVP to PVE and just personal preference on how the models and animations look(ed) in that period.

Actually use the search, it’s all there.

We must be looking at different threads then. Most people in these 2 threads that won’t die are against a toggle for one reason or another.

Those are the reasons which aren’t reasons. They are just disagreeing in favor of disagreement. Nothing more.
Also those people are the same.
Also I searched in google and on reddit and on this forum and other forums WoW oriented. People just don’t give a naga’s shyte about will this game has a toggle or not if it will give them their desired visuals and gameplay.

Uh, ok. You get to decide which reasons are real and which aren’t?

And you still haven’t answered my 2 questions about whether you would want new animations and higher rez models if they were to come out in the future.

That’s been his MO around here since he first showed up. If your opinion goes against his desires, your opinion isn’t a serious one and should be discarded.

Doesn’t matter. There won’t be new models in Classic no matter how much he whines about it.


On this forum, maybe. Check out the comment section on MrGM’s video on the topic:

I’ll watch it later.

Simply put, the overwhelming response from people coming back to the game pre-WoD and Classic/Vanilla enthusiasts do NOT want these models and animations.

Do you remember that 33,000 vote poll? Ahh, here it is:

Would you like an option to display updated graphics from later expansions?

29.7% No.
47.7% Yes, but with old graphics on by default.
22.5% Yes, but with new graphics on by default.

I was one of the “Yes, but with old graphics on by default” votes.


Okay, and I could come up with “reasons” why I don’t like it. Thing is, didn’t Blizzard scrap this a couple expansions ago?

I forget what expansion it was, but I opted for old models and it was buggy as hell. Maybe there are technical reasons, I don’t know.

New models look pretty, but so do the models of other MMOs I’m not interested in playing.

They are unimportant, and in my opinion, not worth their time to implement; I have a feeling it’s not as easy to put in as many of you want it to be.

If Blizzard wants to do a Classic+ with this down the road, sure.


They also ruined my ponytail on my Shaman and I’ve still not forgiven them for that.

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New models and animations in my mind is pretty much in the same category with transmog and pet battles - extraneous crap Blizzard larded up retail with over the years to try to snag some interest. Classic is a beautiful game without that crap, and adding any of it would just be a shame and would tarnish the Classic game.

Reasons without rational support aren’t reasons. You didn’t give ANY rational support for your statements that Classic shouldn’t has this toggle. I already described for you that

  • this wasn’t in Vanilla
  • cause I don’t want it
  • go play other game/retail/quit wow
  • they don’t want to do that (without giving any evidence of it)
  • they won’t do that (without giving any evidence of it)

Aren’t rational reasons. those are just assumptions and personal thoughts without any true meaning. And excuse me but rationalism IS objective.

the one that I can take is:

  • I don’t want them to do this cause I want other people to see me as a lowpoly gnome with awful textures. (I want to push what I want on others without even asking them if they want it or not).

But this one is such an egoistic reason that I can’t even comprehend that such people really exists in society and actually function and not being kicked out from it.

I don’t understand this question. What do you mean. “do I want high res animations”? I already stated that I missing new walk cycles and jump and landing and idle and USE and gathering animations. I stated that I want retail models and if they will give pre Bfa after draenor models, and if so ofc they should include all new animations for that matter.
But if they will give only new models and textures with old animations cause of reasons that they can’t separate them with this toggle — I can live with that. I only don’t want to see dirt and squares on my char, I’m perfectly fine with old animations since they sometimes even better than new ones.