Ugh... the graphics again

So, will these toggle option updated models come with the disgusting casting and running animations?

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No, that is how it works. You have an idea. Tell me why it would work. My position is that the game is fine as it was originally made. You are asking for a change, so you must defend it.

And as I’ve stated in the thread before, I would be ok with a toggle. But only if it worked and didn’t delay other more important things. No one has convinced me it would work. And it’s a given it would take time from other things.

Why do you think it was removed from live?

If you don’t like animations just don’t use new models.

This is very new and interesting.

And I did. Whole thread is defending this idea. When you don’t have counter arguments except:

  • this is hard to do (no backup for this claim/no sources/no quotation)
  • they don’t want to do it (no backup for this claim/no sources/no quotation)
  • this wasn’t in vanilla (there are a lot of things that weren’t in vanilla but now they are in Classic and you need to live with it. there will be no Vanilla, there will be CLassic and it will be closeish to it)
  • “muh egoistic look should be one look that you can see, no matter what you think or want. I want only what I want for others and I know better” (literally hitler™)
  • “don’t play classic then” (hurr durr, implying I didn’t stated at least three times that I love classic gameplay and will play in no matter if toggle will be there or not)

I also agree that if this will take A LOT OF TIME to do. I’m okay for them to postpone t. But we don’t know this cause no one from them stated that this is hard to do and will take a lot of time. Also people telling that this shouldn’t be even a consideration. Do you see my problem with that or not?

Just. THINK.
Draenor+ started developing new abilities (like shadowstrike for rogues) which uses additional new COOL™ animation.
In Legion they gave us option to use old models and new models cause those animations were not as hard to do and there were a little of them.
But within Legion they developed a lot of new abilities which required new animations and since they started renewing all look and feel of whole game and remastering old content — it was OBVIOUS that at some point of retail they will ditch old models. Otherwise they would need to create every new animation TWICE (for old skeleton and new skeleton of every race, which IS a lot of work not only for animators, but for modelers and QA, since there will be bugs and fixes. cause skeletons will act differently with each new animation). So they removed option of using old models cause new animations weren’t supporting them anymore.
Since all OLD animations worked perfectly fine with old AND new skeletons of old AND new models they can just implement them and never touch again. cause there will be NO NEW ABILITIES IN CLASSIC. Only those which was prior to draenor.
THis is also only my own speculations based of my knowledge how animation/models/assets work so I can be wrong ofc and they ditched it cause someone got a flu and forgot to commit a code or something, I don’t know…

But I would like to use the new models without the disgusting updated casting and running animations. I would like this option please.

Well. I don’t understand why, cause run animation more flowy and less clunky, but I think they can actually do that. I just don’t think they will, cause it complicates a lot of things inside animation>models hierarchy and relations.
But who knows, if you ask them after they will give at least toggle for new/old models they might listen. Right now they seem to ignore even this.

Then don’t play classic, it’s that simple and if it means a whiner not complaining the entire time they are playing then it’s a win win for everybody.

You seem to care about you a lot. Hate to burst your bubble, but YOU don’t matter as much as you think you do along with what YOU want.

What YOU want and what’s YOUR ideal vision, isn’t going to happen and shouldn’t.

You either get over and move on or don’t play classic. Get over it, kid.

Yep. I also understand they are desperately trying to defend their game from being snatched away from them just before they finally get it. Probably an overreaction, but humans are not rational.

ok but:

This is an example you gave of something you want and it’s of an animation that has nothing to do with new abilities. What happens when they put in a new animation? Will you want that? You didn’t answer my question about whether you would want the higher rez models if they were to land in live/retail. How about this one?

I suspect that even if you don’t (which I doubt) someone else will. And getting this change through in the first place will make it hard to argue that they shouldn’t get it.

Not enough people using it, updating it became a chore?

The toggle worked completely fine until the Legion pre-patch, when they removed the old skeletons and along with them the old running/jumping animations, etc etc.

Obvious follow up. Why put it back for classic then?

The old animations are the smoothest and the best. Old gear looks a lot better on the old models as well.

What they did to Tauren males is a travesty with the new models/animations. I can’t even stand to play it. Impressive perhaps if you are going for a Disney cartoon about WoW, but otherwise disgusting.


They fixed some of the texture distortion issues that old armor had on the old models. You can’t make a blanket statement unless you think stretched textures look good.

Belt of Might on a Human male Warrior:

I see how it is…

Let’s put it this way. When I transmog (I know, hypocrite) I do not show the helm on many sets where I actually love it on a Tauren but it looks stupid now and the clipping makes my eyes bleed. What we very loosely could call “Boots” on Tauren went from okay to what the hell is that supposed to be?.

Conqueror’s, Destroyer, Siegebreaker and several others.

Yeah, the only comparison I’ve done with any degree of seriousness is the Human Male models and their respective armor pieces.

Some look worse, some look better.

Please stick to BFA. The graphics and models are so so great in BFA.

Destroyer’s, original Tauren male model.

Wrong game mate, keep lookin for another

The goal of Classic is to get as close to vanilla as possible, not try to make the “Best of” between two games.


stick to retail kiddo it has the graphics u want.


No we’re not. Do not spread misinformation.

As far as I am aware (and the limited testing I was able to do during the stress test) the distance at which you can see creatures and players is the same…

I’ll spell it out for you. Proper is subjective. I think the old models are proper, you think the new ones are.