Ugh... the graphics again

Here we go again: “My own personal opinions and deeds are much valuable than yours so you can’t have differences from my personal views”, Don’t you see a problem with that egoistic ideology?

THere are already new features from new WoW and you can’t do anything about it. And they aren’t optional you can’t switch them of. Classic won’t be classic and this is already established as well.

I didn’t say that I’m not complaining about graphics. I do. A LOT Actually. You again seeing things differently from what they presented. Stop that.
I said that I didn’t say that I will NOT be playing this game cause of old visuals. Which you also implied.

I don’t care, I just don’t want to see low poly animationless bricky character. I played new character with old gear via transmog in BfA and it was MUCH better than old gear + old model of character in stress tests. Old+old was HIDEOUS.

It is already exist and it is already in game. And more foliage and more grass and more visual for some of the environment objects are already in.
What we lack is toggled option for characters. I want new jump, idle, use, craft, attacks, emotes animations. I want to see clear face of my character with more polygons.
What I saw in stress tests was ugly (for me) and I’m trying to make it better by asking something that will give me more % of joy when Classic comes out. I’ll still be playing it no matter, but if they will give me and people like me option to use new models for everything they can bring up, I will be much much happier than without it.

Can you find the source?
I hardly can believe that a game with assets which a lot of private servers use can’t be found in internets archives or at such big company as blizzards who actually OWN this project.
This is just utterly unprofessional.
In 2005 year I was working on MMORPG WELL-Online and I still have a lot of assets from it, even though company were bankrupt and we didn’t released this game in time. I don’t believe that billion worth company can’t get their own project intact somewhere on thousand of drives in their archives.
Do they just like “welp we won’t need those old VFX tight? SCRAP’EM!!11 THROW AWAY ALL DISKS!!1 BURN THE PCS!”

It’s so easy to say that when you’re already getting what you want.

And yes, if you elect to play Classic you will see the old models as they were.

Yet, nobody has been able to give a solid reason why it is accepted to have new water textures and foliage yet models are totally unacceptable, when both are client-sided and give everyone the freedom to play with whichever graphical settings they want.

Want proper water texture? Turn on high ress water. Want pixelated water? Turn on classic water.

Want proper character models? Well so sorry, no, classic wouldn’t be classic with them, everyone must look at their square faced characters while they swim in HD water. :rofl:

You’re in luck, we’re getting proper models.

If you’re someone who thinks AddOns are 100% acceptable because they don’t impact players other than their user, you should absolutely be for a Toggle where players have the option to see on their screen whichever of the Character Models they prefer. It’s the exact same thing as a UI customization, in that regard.

I’ve seen some similar faces saying ‘AddOns are fine, what others use doesn’t effect you’ that are against Character Model options that clearly wouldn’t effect them, either.

Personally, I am pretty heavily in the ‘NOCHANGES!’ camp, but I don’t feel like a Toggle for the new models as an alternative crosses that line.

I honestly am quite angry that they added updated view distance and textures. Assuming that this increases the distance that one can see other players, this gives players using updated textures a huge advantage. I personally will be running the classic textures, I feel that updated textures and models simply ruin the feel and beauty of vanilla. I’d far rather them give optional character models than optional view distance though.

Because life is not fair. Someday you might understand that. When you do, you will complain far less about things that won’t change.

No one owes you a reason for anything they do, not other players, not me, and certainly not Blizzard.

They said it at Blizzcon when they talked about how they built Classic. They showed the side by side images of old character models and their newly created replicas.

I’m shocked they didn’t save backups of everything forever, but it was 15 years ago.

I hear you 100%. Movement is the single biggest item that my friends and I discuss when taking about other MMOs that we play. Blizzard just got the “feel” right.

Some of my buddies quit other games within 30 minutes if the movement isn’t acceptably smooth.

Okay. I actually ran trough some threads and sites where this was mentioned and didn’t found anything. But then one dude had exact argument with other dude at earlier point and he said go check the official video. And he linked this:

And actually they stated (in video starting from 7:15) that they had problem finding old assets but they ACTUALLY FOUND them on backup of the backup. I don’t know where did you hear or saw what you claimed, but: right now. in classic. they have OLD models and textures.

So no

they just freaking looked HARD ENOUGH at the backups and got them from there.
Here is your:

Well, they got lucky too.

The point that this guys was making “you need to understand how much work they’ve done to recreate old aesthetics of vanilla” when they did no such a thing. I can’t believe that multimillion company don’t make backups for their awesome work, it’s just nonsense. EVERY game company backing up EVERYTHING. Even when they going bankrupt.

So now they don’t need to do anything. They have code which working fine as we speaking (beta tests are prove this), they have code which already worked fine before BFA (in draenor/legion, me personally gave it a try). So now they just need to combine both codes. THis is an additional work I agree, but this additional work will worth a ton. Cause new people/old people like me who want new visuals will get their toggle and old people who don’t want new visuals will get toggle ticked off.
This is win-win situation for everybody. But people as this … guy, don’t understand that. They want to be SPECIAL. They want to be egoistic elitists and disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Even can’t do their research properly.

And you continue to brush off the fact that the toggle is much more complicated than you make it out to be. Not to mention it didn’t work properly when it was in live. Not to mention it would require ongoing work going forward as people would demand the models be updated every time they were updated in retail. Work that they don’t want to do.

Well… this was a folder inside another backup where someone had placed an ad-hoc backup of the old resources.

It wasn’t a regular backup regime. They had failed to back up everything properly, and it was just lucky that someone had made an ad-hoc backup that happened to get swept up in a Wrath backup.

That said, these aren’t new models, I agree.

Maybe classic is not for you then.

Source please.

Source please it was working fine for me and for a lot of people.

I don’t even. Are you a foreteller? ALso why people would demand to change the models for gameplay which not be changed as it was in draenor/bfa/legion where new abilities were added and that is why models required more and newer animations.

Are you working at blizzard? Are you their Art Director or Project Manager?
All I see is “i think so, so it’s true”. You don’t know and I don’t know how hard it is or do they want it or not or do they even will do that. Yet you are talking as someone who just standing there and looking at their processes and making a remarks.
By combining my knowledge of game development and my experience in it (15 years) I can surely GUESS that this isn’t as hard as you all want it to be just cause you want it not to exist. But IF THEY will just bluepost somewhere that "people we do understand you want this toggle, but we won’t make it cause of “reason01” and “reason02”. This would be enough for me to shut up.

But they didn’t do that. So I assume that they at least thinking of that in their development schedule. And I’m here to remind that there are people who really WANT it. So they won’t forget.

You are very new and interesting.

Nah, why don’t you prove me wrong instead. Or read through the many replies in the thread that already address this.

I will add evidence for the desire for updated models down the road though. It’s this thread. You are demanding it here. If the models get higher rez updates down the road, you’re honestly going to tell me you wouldn’t want them in Classic?

What about those who think that the original human faces are much less stupid looking, was disapointed and have covered my face since.

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Lol. It’s not my job to prove that your claims are false or true. It’s you job to make them at least somewhat real.
I’ve made my point clear gave you a lot of arguments. But you still jumping around with you “you can’t !!!1 cebause…”
You are just an arrogant kid who can’t live with something that makes other people happy, even when it doing nothing to you personally. I’ve seen your kind. Sad view.

What in a word of “toggled option” do you not understand?

The part where, “There’s a toggle option?”

It doesn’t matter whether a toggle is easy to do or difficult. You won’t be getting a graphics toggle. Vanilla didn’t have one. Classic won’t either. It is really that simple.

Furthermore, you are here on the user forum arguing for your graphics toggle. Obviously you are getting great resistance here. But what if you were met with eager acceptance? Blizzard has already committed to the Classic build. Blizzard isn’t waiting to see what kind of consensus is reached around here.

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