Ugh... the graphics again

He actually bested you here.
You did nothing to prove yourself right here.
He even showed you a visual representation of how all this stuff that you against is subtle.
You just trying too hard to prove some ultra rare occasion point where I for my experience of this game for 15 years not even ONCE experienced this “shoulder around a corner” issue. This is not a stealth game, this is not first person shooter, your argument is just something very very forced, just for the sake of disagreeing.

I almost even believed you, so much sure you was in your truth. But then I just thought about it more and the more I did that, the more absurd this argument became.

Also if you care about this 0.005% occuring issues with broad shoulder of a… some random orc which will … (jeeses I can’t even write this down so absurdly stupid this is) STAN THERE STALKING YOU, why you doing… your stuff? With first person camera angle? Are you really playing this game like this? You can toggle graphics off to match models and stalk all you want. Also in your words those who use new models will be in disadvantage, so isn’t this better for you?


You’re as dumb as a rock homie, if you want graphics buy BFA since in CLASSIC you’re getting Vanilla graphics and features. If you need me to find you a translator for you to understand what that means let me know.


Wait. Can’t seem to find your argument anywhere… I think you dropped it somewhere else while you were in a hurry to type this nonsense.


They are using the Legion engine aren’t they? By that I mean the graphic side of things? I’m pretty sure that you can toggle out some of these graphics too right?

So why not do the same for models? What time is it wasting? People make out that this takes so much time/money and is just flat out going to ruin the experience of vanilla. Give me a break. It’s a simple implementation. All of the work is done. Just put it in? It’s rational for people (like myself) who want the new models. It won’t take away “classic” for me, the community, world building, personal stories ect is what makes classic for me.

So I’m not sure what “spirit of the game” means here? Honestly, the hardcore vanilla fans who “want no changes at all” sound absolutely ridiculous.

Back in 2004 myself and other players would make comments about how bad some of the models were. It hasn’t changed. Adding in a toggle mode is win/win for both parties here. It’s not a big deal.


I mean there’s no denying the graphics are outdated, but you have to realise there’s more to it than just adding an option in the menu to toggle graphics. All those updated graphics, models and animations have to be ported from the retail game to Classic which 1) is a much bigger job than you may think that the Classic team doesn’t have the manpower for and 2) adds a huge amount of pointless files that everyone has to download and operate regardless of whether they want to or not.

I could see something like updated graphics coming in 2-3 years to try and bring in some new players once enough have moved on, but for now they need to focus on getting the base game right.


Just going to leave this here…

" So what does it take to recreate an authentic classic experience with modern engineering? Let’s start by categorizing the different types of game data that make up WoW:

  • Table data: This kind of information is almost always represented as numbers. How many hit points a creature has, the amount of Strength an item grants, or where and when certain creatures spawn, are all examples of the numerical data we store in our databases. We can also store and enforce relationships between different pieces of data.
  • File data: This is often very dense data like 3D models, textures, animations and terrain. Our user interface is built up from XML and Lua files. Many of the art files do not use the same file formats that commercial art tools spit out. Our build pipeline takes these raw art files and translates them into something optimized for our game to read and process.
  • Lua scripts: Some features are driven by Lua scripts written by designers, allowing them to easily define custom behaviors for server-side logic without requiring deep engineering knowledge."

By your logic then there is nothing authentic about this classic release then, because there are changes to it that was not the same in 2004.

Models could easily be a simple tick of a box. Doesn’t harm you or me. This is not a big deal.

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As authentic as possible is what Classic is. Deliberately adding new models and textures is not trying to be as authentic as possible.

I don’t even like the new graphics options, but I imagine they’re there purely because they’re there default.

We get it you want new models and the facts are what you see in Beta is what you’re getting they already updated textures to help with you people. Gameplay over graphics you pepegas, get with the program.

Clearly the Knife Ears are what made Orcs the 2004 Best Race :stuck_out_tongue: A swing with the axe and two stabs with a headbutt.

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I didn’t get it. Is this for or against? In this article there is nothing described about that toggle will be difficult or impossible to implement or anything like this.
All it states that all stuff in game is data, and as they send data back and forth you need just stable connection.
Server doesn’t care if you use new models or old models, all it cares about is which type of link/data pack it will send to your client as far as I understanding it.

but thats what we want. The old nostalgic graphics.

I thought the graphics were fine. Actually, they looked much better now than they used to, probably in part because I have a better PC. Still kinda blurry though, due to my graphics card. But I loved it, the graphics were just like old times.

I think there should be a toggle, but the fact that Blizzard chose a Disney cartoon art style back in the day has helped a lot in making the old models visually pleasing as long as you don’t zoom in very close.

I don’t think they should delay release for it, though. Add it later if they don’t have time.

I agree with you.

Thankfully, Blizzard and the majority of the community don’t agree with it. It makes no sense to even offer as a toggle out-of-era anything without there being a technical reason they can’t make it authentic to classic.

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People who don’t play muds.

Yet you refuse to seek out the reasons the toggle doesnt work. Just seek it out, the information is out there.

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Did you read my post at all? Because I literally said a working graphics toggle would be fine. I’m just telling you it’s going to be a very low priority thing if they ever do it at all. It’s not an essential part of the vanilla experience.

You are oblivious to the fact that the newer animations and spell animations have an impact on gameplay meta. Previously subtle abilities like BoP become telegraphed rather overtly. Look at this video: https:// dot com/watch?v=upV_soz4Lpo?t=206

At around 3:28 you can see the paladin use BoP. Strange. Doesn’t it look awfully different compared to what we have seem for years (giant crown)? And especially now with the updated animations for paladins? Because it was the animation it had in vanilla. Now consider the change in meta gameplay that would arise throughout vanilla if every ability utilized the new animations. But then you might retort, but the option is on a toggle, if you don’t like it turn it off! That is wrong, because then the newer animations and the information they show to allies and enemy players would necessitate their utilization in being able to play the game effectively. And as such would entirely invalidate the reason to ever use the old animations.

Essentially what you and others are advocating for in the form of a toggle is a blizzard-sanctioned modelmorph/modelswapper. You know the ones that allowed people to make herbs and nodes larger than what blizzard allowed, so that they could more efficiently harvest mats? Yeah those sort of game client changes.

The new models force the existence of newer animations and spell animations/effects. But then again you might add, “but WoD and Legion had the old models!” No they didn’t, they just had the option to put the lower resolution character assets on top of the newer player models. Besides looking rather odd, you were still forced into using the newer player animations and spells.

So no to what you and OP want.

No changes.