Ua dispel will be too much

Are there still actual breakpoints like that

I know there was for Flayed Shot but that was just for the extra chance to proc a ks

Technically yes but these days the final expiration of a dot will tick for a fraction of dmg so it’s not really relevant

Your gcd doesn’t get noticeable faster after 38% haste so that’s what the breakpoint is for

ah, never really used it. just always thought it was once a second. lol

Yeah, that’s what I remember, it was just useful in the case of flayed because each tick was a flat percentage

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Wat did i even do??. Im almost done with my haste vers lock set im doing haste mastery next. Just need sparks. MY sp tho look that haste ooooooh baby girl.


Tell me about it. Two whole weeks per piece. :anger:

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5% vers doesn’t count as a haste vers set :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

He didn’t specify the amount of vers. :dracthyr_shrug:

??? my haste vers 4 piece set is like 28% vers. 36% haste. and 40% mastery

Ok I guess you haven’t built it yet but ur always whispering me stat weights that send shivers down my soul

glad im not the only one. I get disc pings of how he is gonna sit at 80% haste on his sp

Gotta do the pew pew. Originally i was gonna craft the haste mastery first…

rets and dh would kill insta kill them selfs if they played reverse and judgment dispel into aff they take dmg from it

That is perfect.

Waiting for the DH, hunters and rets who kill themselves and start screaming at healers in SS

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This entire discussion is making me really uncomfortable. I hate when aff is good as a healer.


honestly i would rather aff then demo bro one of these days demo will get reworked to not be a damn zoo of demons just give them a demon form like mop and keep tyrant

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if this pans out, it will only be good if you dispel… other than that, same ole aff lock thats in the low tier right now.

It suffers from spam dispelling and getting trained. No way around the 2nd part. but protecting us from dispels is gonna help let us ramp at least a little more.

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Yeah I’d say demo is the worst one to deal with. If I qued into double demo I just wanna uninstall so I agree with you there.