Ua dispel will be too much

Willing to queue pre-buff. Let’s get them sweet alt vaults. Lol

Always down I need to min max my rotation and make it muscle memory

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Seeing as I can put as much mastery I’d like I am going to have to pretty hefty dispels

lets run it.

But serious reply to this thread. Backlash damage being 50% higher isnt a big deal. I would be fine with it being only 160k instead of 200k.

But the true issue is that everyone and their mother can just remove the dots with no repercussions. Revival, MD+fade, reverse, feign death, diffuse magic, rets self cleansing with their spell shield thing up.

that being said, 200k is fine and until we get any meaningful changes, ill take what i can get.


It is strange that you think it will only be 200k

I just realized that mastery increases the damage…

ohwell. If they dispel my dots, they deserve it after months of spam dispels and no damage while getting my face pushed in.


The amount it will actually be hitting for will likely be deemed not fine.

Yes, and we can cook up crafted pieces without a big old boogery vers weight.

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may or may not have already been doing that as we speak.

but honestly. I feel like if UA is scary to dispel, people wont do it. Which will mean our damage is gonna be actually somewhat good.

38% haste 30% vers rest mast is typically the sweet spot

Slendy is an anomaly


slendy is a weirdo. I totally havent put a bunch of mastery gems/enchants on my gear like he has.

Not playing medallion sounds like the healers problem.

Yeah, people will have to be more careful. Curious to see how it goes.

“Idk man check dmg done on details idk how we lost”

no reason to… lets us stack a ton of haste without losing out on much. all our defensives are usable in stuns. ill let the priest MD my clones.

also, inb4 my backlash kills a hunter through their feign bubble lol

Does vers also increase this?

Yeah, but mastery should increase it way more.

Its interesting I wonder if locks trade out a little haste for a little mastery. mastery should be strong as a whole if you have a ton of haste and vers already. Maybe like 3-500 rating

i have no idea what the breakpoints are for dot ticks… anyone know a calculator?

I posted the ideal stat weights already

You can choose your own version as well ig

yeah, i just wanna see the actual data i guess. how many ticks per % of haste.

for instance deathbolt ticks for me 4 times in 3 seconds with 36%

Deathbolt always ticks four times lol