She hasn’t got away yet
Are your morals so screws up you can’t see that Sylvanas is bad?
I mean I can understand and agree with an argument, but when you yell or constantly bring up said argument constantly repeatedly, everyday, in multiple places.
It begins to heavily lose it’s impact, to the point of me not caring, hell it might even get to a point of spite depending on the person making the argument (if they’re nice about it or just beyond annoying/ smug.)
TLDR: Two people can make the same argument but if one is nice about it and the other is condescending and annoying about it, chances are I’ll listen and agree with the nicer one while not really caring or giving the other one much of my attention, regardless of their points.
I think that would change suddenly if the night elves for example beat Sylvanas to death, that would bother you a lot, simply because you also feel like a victim of the story of BFA and you are not even allowed to “defend” your side, because your leader is the evil one.
Of course it would bother me, but I wouldn’t rant for years about it constantly everyday, and I’m hurt, I very much was a victim of BFA.
The Devs did a Drive By attack on me and my other Hordies.
Oh I can “Defend” my side, just most arguments would be pretty stupid/exaggerated to do so, or whitewashed.
thats exaxtly what i mean with “not defend your side”
Not very credible, because that’s exactly what the Horde has been doing for two years now. As soon as Teldrassil is mentioned, the Hordeplayer hide themselve in the same victim role, atleast many player here do it, which in turn causes more frustration on the other side and makes them swing up on each other. And this for over 2 years now.
I would simply make suggestions, just agree with each other, both sides have good arguments. It’s not that there are no arguments.
One argument (night elves) is an ingame argument, the other argument (horde) is a meta-narrative argument. They are two different levels, but they both have a strong impact.
The night elves feel like the biggest losers, the Horde feel deprived of any heroic possibility and “character”.
If you payed attention to the story you’d know this drive by was in the making since vanilla
She kind of has gotten away, I don’t see her punished, the only thing I keep seeing is the devs defending her and saying Tyrande got her revenge.
yeah cause the story isnt over
And while it might end in 2 or 3 expansions, we know that it won’t be an ending where she’s brought to justice.
whatever you say eleasan
I don’t know who Elea is, but whatever you say Katiera - san
Difference is, I unlike most of the rabid NE fans on this forum, don’t go out of my way to derail every post about it. And my point was, if ANYONE should have a grudge against Sylvanas/the forsaken, it’s the worgen, but I guess we’re not allowed to talk about the attempted genocide of the worgen twice now at the hands of Sylvanas.
The elves lost a TREE and their fans are acting like blizz plans on deleting the race from the game.
if i´m allowed to remember you, the night elves evacuated first all of the gilnean people, before ANY night elf was allowed to go. So, most likely, no single worgen died in the flames of Teldrassil.
my point is not, that worgenplayer have to be forgotten, my point is, its hypocritical
How long after the bombing of Theramore was Garrosh brought to justice?
Worgens want to deal with Sylvanas because of everything that happened in Gilneas.
Night Elves want to deal with Sylvanas because of Teldrassil.
Horde races feel betrayed by Sylvanas (in general).
Forsaken and undead feel even more that betrayal. (some part of them)
I don’t know, but the Sylvanas hateclub is pretty big, everyone wants a bite at her.
Oh now you’re showing true colours
2 years
It happened at the start of MoP, Garrosh died at the start of WoD.
Teldrassil happened at the start of BfA, was whitewashed and forgotten by the end of BfA and is also about to be glorified by the end of Shadowlands if interviews are to trust.
So, not in the same expansion. Got it.
You mean if your head canon pans out?