I mean, the Alliance had to spend an entire expansion watching Saurfang be sad for committing his third genocide. Why should any Alliance care about helping another trashy orc like Draka in the Shadowlands?
To be honest I find myself asking that as a horde player too.
Because at least Draka isn’t a hypocrit? Saurfang on the other hand, goes from Killing Alliance good to Me Sad, No More Honor. Dude couldn’t even make up his mind.
cause you are the hero
Like I said above to a similar question, you shouldn’t.
My point here is not that the Horde are being mistreated. My point is that the writers are being stupid.
imagine being a hero that is not only willing to let the villian who genocided a side win all cause red side bad lol
and blizzard is the one with bad writing huh
Not getting over Teldrassil but thanks for your not thought out input.
We still want justice for Teldrassil, even if it’s just Tyrande killing Sylvanas. Not getting over genocide and the extermination of the Night Elves, go log on your Horde character if you’re going to make stupid statements like these
blizz is the one that glorifies genocide and lets sylvanas get away with it but you conveniently ignore that part
I’m a worgen fan thank you very much. If the worgen aren’t allowed to get revenge on Sylvanas, who attempted genocide on them TWICE now, what makes you think it’s okay for the Kaldorei to get revenge? And the Night Elves weren’t exterminated, enough already. They’re still a playable race. Responses like these are the reason no one takes NE complaints seriously.
When Genn gets to rip Sylvanas head off, than you guys can go on and on about revenge. Until than, everyone’s tired of you hardcore NE fans derailing every other post and turning it into a Woo is me, Kaldorei are exterminated and we lost everything. Like really? The Sin’dorei Literally lost almost their entire population to the scourge, but sure, go keep crying how your favorite race has it worse than everyone else. At least you didn’t have straight up tell you in a Heritage armor quest that your favorite race is literally going to die out in a generation because you’re nothing more than a Angry Human with a skin condition
To hell with that.
Just hand me my sack of gold and the sharpest stick you can find.
So did the Night Elves to Sylvanas, and their home, and their city, and their zones, and their future.
I never saw the scourge and Arthas being absolved of their crimes suddenly though and getting away without facing any punishment while the writers went on and said that the genocide of the High Elves wasn’t evil and that they brought it on themselves.
We don’t even know what’s going to happen with Sylvanas, this whole redemption nonsense is pure player speculation at the moment. As of right now, no one has been absolved of anything. Only zone the Kaldorei actually lost was Ashara. Ashenvale is conflicting, some quests suggest the Kaldorei still own it, and others suggest it’s not occupied by anyone, Darkshore was sucessfully defended. So all they lost was a single tree and a portion of their population. We don’t even know how many actually died, since blizz refuses to clarify that.
But we do know that Stormwind was swamped with survivors, so much so the lines stretched all the way to Goldshire. Should give a good idea as how many actually did survive.
It’s not speculation when the writers already said what they’re going to do with her.
The Horde, Saurfang and Sylvanas have been absolved of their crimes.
Azshara and Ashenvale are Horde zones, Darkshore is mostly destroyed and blighted and Teldrassil is burned down.
Enough died that there are far too few Night Elves left.
Which is still nothing compared to the thousands if not millions who died. And it’s still genocide and should be acknowledged as such instead of sweeping it under the rug while celebrating Sylvanas and the Horde as great heroes and saviors. I had enough of that with Saurfang already.
No one is celebrating Sylvanas as a hero, well accept the hardcore NE fans who have this weird fetish of thinking about her 24/7. There are plenty of Night Elves, more survivors than dead I say. What happened to Teldrassil was terrible, no one is arguing that. Ashenvale is for all intents and purposes, still a night elf zone. According to lore, in the lead up to the War of Thorns, most Sentinels considered it a rather boring place to patrol. I don’t know where this notion that it’s a horde zone is coming from.
All most of us ask is, can the NE fans stop derailing every post and turning it into a cry feast about how bad the NE have it? They aren’t the only ones who suffered under Sylvanas reign as either leader of the forsaken or as Warchief.
The writers and devs are, and they are encouraging players to do the same.
After Teldrassil, Ashenvale and Darkshore have been wiped out? Not a chance.
Besides the devs.
Because the Horde fully conquered it in the war of thorns and the Night Elves never got it back, thus it’s still a Horde zone.
Then stop telling us to get over Teldrassil or saying other stupid things lol
Just ignore Darana Micah.
No is asking you to Get over it. Just asking to stop bringing it up in posts that have nothing to do with it. We get it, it was a terrible event.
You know what? You’re right. Some people just aren’t worth the effort.
Do you know what really bad behaviour is? Wanting the same thing, but blaming others for it.
Your argument is that the worgen should have their revenge first and you are annoyed? Fine, everyone gets it, but then in the same breath to accuse these people who see this for night elves is hypocrisy.
Oh my gosh, this forum is funny as allways, full of hypocrisy and aggression against each other.
Shifts uncomfortably
No one is celebrating Sylvanas actions and hope she wins in the long run
Pretty positive, there is a difference between
Person A: She screwed with my fav race, Blizzard can we get some sort of revenge eventually, it has been like 10 years since this happened?
Proceeds to bring up the same issue constantly and turning just about every thread into a pity party regarding said issue for almost two years straight.
Person C: All my friends are war criminals, many of us couldn’t live with the artificial guilt placed on our favorite race/faction so people have left…blizzard please…do something to support us and make us love our fav race/faction again.
In essence, when it comes purely to the argumentative, not really.
- Favourite race get the short end
- Lost the fight and lost the home
- Has a good reason for revenge.
Possible that the tone is different, but in essence it is the same argument.
And the difference between Gilneas and Teldrassil is: Gilneas was build to get destroyed, Teldrassil was a place for all Players of the alliance atleast for over 15 Years, thats a difference. OFC the feeling and outcry about this place is different, and at some point annoying (i don´t disagree on this term), but in my eyes is completly understandable.