Tyrande's Fate [Spoilers]

    Night Fae Covenant Campaign

    You’ll also work alongside the dragon Ysera, who has a plan to restore Ardenweald—as well as save Tyrande Whisperwind from the grim fate that befalls all who take up the Night Warrior’s mantle. However, changing the course of destiny is neither simple nor quick. Altering the strands of Tyrande’s fate will be an ongoing thread that runs throughout the story of the Shadowlands.


Is this Alliance-only, or is Horde expected to do it too?

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This is quite old, but it would be funny if we work the entire expansion on saving Tyrande just so Sylvanas can give her the Saurfang treatment

Horde too, just like Alliance players have to help Bwonsamdi and Vol’jin

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Yay. A lengthy, long questline to remove this supposed “power up” that provided no visible boost or advantage. You can almost feel the lack of motivation Blizzard has for Tyrande. The only development they can think up is a problem they cooked up in a patch for a terminal game mode.

I shouldn’t expect any better from a group of hacks who had her parked in Stormwind after the pre-patch with no idea what to do with her after her people got genocided.


Okay, so how do they sell it to the Horde player? Why are we supposed to care whether Tyrande self-destructs or not?


Why would her part be faction specific? I still have to waste half of my campaign saving Shadra and Hir’eek, securing Bwonsamdi’s promotion for him, and helping Vol’jin achieve godhood.


I didn’t really expect it to be. I just wanted to establish that it wasn’t, so that I could get to the follow-up question of why on earth we would want to save her.


Because you’re the hero and it’s the right thing to do? Don’t pick the covenant if you don’t want to help.

Didn’t we already know about this? Why make a thread?


Because this is the expansion where the Horde does good stuff apparently (besides Sylvanas and those)


I guess the wars over and were all happy now.

Curious about Ysera though. I thought she became a great constellation in the sky. Is she kind of omnipresent in multiple places/realms at once. Is she dead or alive or something altogether different.

Why should I want to save all these Troll gods, knowing full good and well that the next time the Horde switches into warcrime mode, their followers are going to be right in the thick of it?

Because they locked mounts, pets, and transmog behind me doing so.


You shouldn’t. The design of the whole zone seems weird to me.

But at least the trolls didn’t spend the entire last expansion undergoing dangerous rituals for the express purpose of getting better at killing you, that you now have to save them from the consequences of. That just seems to push the Tyrande thing over the top.


Sylvanas tried to have Tyrande captured at the same time that Jaina, Thrall, Baine and Anduin were taken, so apparently the Jailer wants Tyrande as well. As he’s the current Big Bad it’s in our interest to prevent the Jailer from getting what he wants. Just like denying him the souls of those Ancients and loas we help Bwonsamdi to free is beneficial to our overall mission and detrimental to the Jailer’s plans.

If Tyrande dies under the current circumstances, she’ll probably go to the Maw like everyone else, only as a dead soul she’d be without the Night Warrior’s power to help her escape. By keeping her alive we prevent the Jailer from gaining a prize that we know he previously tried to claim.


In the weeks it’s taken me to clear FFXIV: Heavensward, including all the side quests, and getting the Jibanyan Couch mount from the Yo-Kai Watch event you all have just been repeating the exact same things you’ve already talked about before at each other.

I figured I’d jump back in to join again as well.


This is weird, yes. If they’re going to say that the Night Warrior power really is this planet-ending ascension to near godhood (as that one dialogue implies), they need to at least have her do something jawdroppingly powerful first to demonstrate it. They need to show her taking down some kind of deity with ease before they can make us say “ehhhh, maybe that upgrade might be a tad dangerous.”


She did make a writer’s self insert flee as revenge for Teldrassil after a long fight, that must be enough


I mean, she mildly inconvenienced a Horde character. I’m not sure how much more powerful you think an entity within the setting can be.


like, she didn’t even use this power.


Hmmm … didn’t we have that “Save green jesus” thing before?
Now you can run around saving a character who wants to kick your buts and dispises you with every inch of her body.

I like it!


I assume that - one way or another - Tyrande will be rid of the Night Warrior by the end of Shadowlands.

It could be that Ysera’s plan works or that the Jailer’s super secret plan divests Tyrande of it, perhaps killing her in the process which may or may not require resurrection by a third party (maybe even a Horde character if they want to mollify her, too).