Tyrande's Fate [Spoilers]

Can we please stop with the obession of wanting the Night Elves/Tyrande to exterminate the horde? It’s getting old and it’s not going to happen. Ever. Get over it already.


Nope we can’t.

Still wanting NEs to exterminate the Horde.
I want an equally intensive experience like teldrassil for the horde.
Just because I like sharing and want them to have such a joy like I had.


Get in line than. The Kaldorei can have their revenge, when the Worgen gets theirs against Sylvanas first. Every NE fan can shut up until that happens. In case you forgot, Sylvanas attempted genocide on the Worgen twice now.

Funny thing is - the only way to make Vol’Jin act unpleasant was by picking optional question which was quite dumb anyway. But it caused quite an outrage anyway.

So instead of removing that question, they made it even worse.


I’d rather not save either of them. Why can’t we save someone worth saving?

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This is them bouncing back to Legion style of storytelling where every player does every zone.

They clearly see Alliance players playing the Alliance content and ignoring the Horde content as well as Horde players playing the Horde content and ignoring the Alliance content as one of the core issues with the players receiving BFA badly.

They tried an achievement with mount rewards in BFA to counter this. I assume it didn’t work to their satisfaction cause now they are simply removing the choice to ignore the other faction’s content.

The bungling of the Night Elf narrative continues.

It isn’t like this was hard to foresee.

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You have three other choices. That’s three more choices than Alliance players had in Patch 5.3 as you yourself brought it up.


Side note. Wasn’t the issue with the Night Warrior that it not only essentially involved the user demanding the power they sought, but that even from the offset it was portrayed as this obscenely dangerous thing to use? Like, even her surviving the ritual was supposed to be a longshot itself, but it isn’t exactly a secret that the lore around that Avatar of God’s Wrath is that it would consume her eventually. Just “because she’s Tyrande” doesn’t really invalidate that settup.

So, we all knew that it was a borrowed power … one that was likely to either kill Tyrande or she’d lose it. Or, a third option, her following her Liadrin parallels when she demanded power, as she finds a diluted form of it to use long term. Perhaps by distributing that force beyond a single body?


The ritual itself was said to be dangerous, not the power bestowed; to the point that even bearing witness was hazardous.

The Night Warrior itself being the burden must have been fine print.


This is currently my theory.
That the NighT Warriors power willbe bestowed on all NEs at the end.
Ince all will have the customization available, I guess.

And there is a quest that tells us it is possible. But just sharing the power with one person is not enough it seems.

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It sounds like Blizzard should have thought out this Night Warrior concept before implementing it.


You mean like Vol’jin, who the Alliance players got to make grovel for their help?

Yeah, thanks to the help of a Maw Walker aka. the player character. There are only two people apparently who have such freedom to enter and leave the Maw and that is the player and Sylvanas. It is a lot harder for everyone else. That is literally one of the key lore points of this expansion. I know you tend to fixate on NE stuff but you have a least paid a cursory attention to the basic premise of the expansion right?

That is so petty. That is as bad as Horde players who feel the Alliance should get villian batted to death. You don’t like the idea that Tyrande might die? Well imagine if first she got turned into an irredeemable villian and monster and then you had to kill her in a raid. You really want to be sharing each others joy? Really? Maybe Baine can give Shandris of Malfurion a peep talk and teach them how to be good forgiving people.

Get over your victim complex. No one had it good in this situation. Stop being an jerk to other players. I have never once wanted Alliance players to go through the rubbish Horde players have had to because I don’t think ruining another players experience achieves anything, particularly when they had no say in how things played out.

Oh great. Lets make the whole race emo star children. As if void elves edgelord crap wasn’t bad enough. The NEs didn’t need some stupid Mcguffin Night Warrior crap to be amazing and bad*ss. This is just a cheap splash of glitter to make them look special without any real substance or depth. They shouldn’t have needed any of this Night Warrior crap. It would have been far better if they just kicked butt without it.


So yeah I could bring Tyrande home, so what? What is that argument?

Never said it.
Actually I want her to rampage through the Horde. I don’t mind if she dies eventually.
I am not crying like horde players for losing a character when they before were allowed to kill 200 alliance npcs and a city.

More like Blanduin, who can be easily soloed by a decent geared Druid or Death Knight.

Fitting actually.

Personally I think she will use the husk of the world tree to channel the power of elune. Renew the faith in Elune, save Tyrande… would be a better solution then her splitting the power among a bunch of people or completely removing it from her.

Was the End Time dungeon canon? If so, I’m imagining our characters remembered last time we had to deal with her.

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Pretty much tyrande is second to only sylvanus in power right now… which probably means she goes bat sh1t crazy with power and we kill her :frowning:

I think Tyrandes’ power will grow until she can/will even challenge Jailor herself, no longer just Sylvanas. The Night Warrior grants you infinite increase as long as you can control the anger that comes with it. So as long as this process continues, she will become more and more powerful.

However, the climax of the plot demands that Tyrande must fail in her final goal of destroying Jailor. But she will do something that will cause lasting damage while she loses her power. I think she will tear Thorgast apart, as she has said, and destroy Sylvanas.

Can i just point out how lame that name is, thought? Nothing compares to “Necrolord”, but it’s close.

What’s wrong with it?