Tyrande's Fate [Spoilers]

A pointless storyline to just nerf a character that barely plays a role in the story. SL looks like another dumpster like WoD with nonsensical storylines that doesn’t go anywhere and a total waste of time

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Weren’t all the important and powerful characters out of Teldrassil at that point? Just Civillians in Teldrassil.

Uhm no even Teldrassil hosted a bunch of druids and archdruids who are considered civillians as they are no part of the Sentinel Army or towns guard.

Wasn’t the Cenarion Circle working in the giant wound in Silithus? Honest question, i don’t know the details of the war of torns.


No they didn’t. Most of the druids were in Silithus and those that stayed were all rallied to fight if they could. There is nothing to suggest any “civilian” druids exist. Even the most pacifist druid could potentially heal and be better off at the front lines of the war.

Source please.

Go, seek out the druids, the priestesses, our sentinels! Make the call to arms, and watch as the kaldorei rise to action. Only together can we hope to end the stalemate at the Wildbend River.

Now where is your source suggesting there were civilian druids?

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I’m not sure what gave you that idea. He made it pretty clear how much he hated me in the lead up to SoO, until I threatened to pack up my PC god powers, and go home.


A line which was only added because of protests during PTR cycle… though.
Before it was just that.

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Tyrande and Vol’jin are both going to be mortal/wild god hybrids by the end of this tbh.


I’ve said this so many times.

I’ve heard others say this so many times.

It still infuriates me.

I hope to God that Blizzard makes me eat these words, but the Night Warrior plot has been nothing but trash writing.

Actually, it was super cool for the ten minute quest line leading up to Tyrande’s transformation. However, it immediately plummeted fter the ritual was completed.


Completely true.
The chanting was great but after that …

Now lets see how the coming cinematics with her are.

I hoped for one for today but appearently Blizzard is also delaying the Zombie event for an unanounced time…
What a disapointment.


Are they “Undoing it” or making it to where she can control it? It seems to me like it’s going to stop consuming her and be apart of who she is.

That’s why I said:

We don’t know. They’ve portrayed it as a “curse”. We know it’s going to have some negative impact on her. We don’t know if they’re going to have that curse be her downfall, or if she’s going to be purged of her new powers, or if she’s going to be stabilized and be able to maintain them.

I mean…

What a victory that would be, right? Being able to keep enough power to almost kill some val’kyr.

I’m sorry I’m beating this horse again, but… Like I said, it’s been trash literally from the moment she completed the ritual.


Assuming Illidan is still around somehow, I want to see how he reacts in the event Tyrande does die, or if he somehow has a role in saving her otherwise… I get they were trying to make us feel like he was gone in Legion, but I honestly refuse to believe that…

Like I said lets see.
I mean Tyrande just respected from priest to God … she had to get used to the new rotation and skills …a nd had to read up some guides after.

Now she has done her homework fo SLs and appearently is portraited a lot more capable.


Illidan is dead. He stepped inside Sargeras’s prison, where he was promptly killed. He went out fighting because he had no reason to live anymore.

As if the other Titans literally sitting right next to him would simply watch and let that happen… sure… Illidan would still be somewhere in Shadowlands if he was actually killed… or his soul would be in a crystal somewhere, again…

The difference is that for a Horde player they have to work with and for someone who is openly unpleasant to them and the Alliance doesn’t. That will sour my experience. I didn’t chose to have the Horde villain batted. I found the whole plotline detestable. Having to put up with it still in the aftermath, regardless of the narrative logic, isn’t going to be fun. Short of avoiding the Night Fae entirely the Horde doesn’t have much choice. Can you imagine if you had to work with Nathanos how much you would dislike it?

I might point out a little detail that Alliance players often seem to forget about 5.3. Back then, which is the closest to a reverse situation where Vol’jin talked smack to them, they had the option to make Vol’jin, future Warchief of the Horde beg and grovel for help. When the Horde has to do the reverse, we have to put up with attitudes of characters like Tyrande. Hell, they had to tone her down a lot in Legion because a lot of Horde players were simply refusing to do the quests involving her in Val’sharah in the beta.

So no, it isn’t really the same and the Alliance following Loas.

Fine. Then let me make Tyrande beg and grovel for my help rather than forcing me to meekly put up with her condescending and contemptuous attitude.

My character has fought literal gods and titans. Some trumped up avatar isn’t going to make her crap her pants. Plus she is stuck in the Maw. How exactly does my character lose out by leaving her there till the Night Warrior side effects kill her? Frankly helping her get free and saving her life is more counter-intuitive if she is such a threat.

One of the most ancient and powerful beings in existence couldn’t get out of the Maw on his own. I doubt Tyrande will really stand a chance of doing anything to the Horde while she is trapped there. Plus she has a literal endless undying army to keep her occupied.

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Try to solo a faction leader then … if you argue with ingame achievements. You get oneshoted.
Also the other faction has the same … people.

Appearently we and NPCs can aswell.
Shandris left the Maw, Thrall, Jaina, etc aswell.

So not a strong argument.

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