Tyrande's Fate [Spoilers]

Honestly that’s what made Teldrassil so weird.

Bewildering my PC evidently attempted no intervention during the burning despite working with Priestesses of Elune in the Conclave, and Tyrande personally in Val’Sharah, being a fairly recent memory.

I don’t know if there’s a version of the burning that would’ve worked. But I think it would’ve been better if Slyvanas used some Azerite infused bomb that engulfed Teldrassil instantly with a bright flash. It would’ve at least explained why the Horde characters, not knowing about this weapon, couldn’t stop it.

And also explain why the Kaldorei were caught with their pants down. Just more than a little weird the faction that orchestrated the Gilneas evacuation with such short notice would have zero contingency plans for their own evidently extremely flamable home. Especially when one of their chief enemies is called the Burning Legion.


There has been a leak before Blizzcon before teh burning was shown the first time.

In this leak (everyting was pretty acurately predicted and thus in hindsight probably true) it was said that Sylavans used a shard of Sargeras sword which was found in Silithus to ignite Teldrassil.

Which is basically what you suggested and what WOULD have made more sense despite the fact that it would still be a butt pulled superweapon.
But more belieavable than intercontinental catapults.

But it seems Blizzard for some reason decided to change the narratvie to make the Horde itself responsible for it.


That would’ve made more sense. As it stands I’ve no idea why those catapults weren’t the answer to every problem. Put them on Mount Hyjal and we could’ve probably just bombarded Argus into oblivion.


I think that not giving each faction their own story line is a way to prevent us from needing 8 character to see all the content. ( 4 covenant story x 2 faction story per covenant).


There is even more to it.
Moonwells for example give blessings of fire protection.
Ancients are immune to fire basicalle etc.

NEs KNOW how to deal with fire. As odd as it sounds … Teldrassil would actualyl be not just due to physics, but lore, immune to fire at all.

The whole thing was no matter from what perspective you look at it stupid … nothing makes sense not the slightest.
No matter how you want to twist it.

We both have to deal with the aftermath now:
I have to play a race humiliated into the ground with basically every core identit and strength deus ex machinaed away.
You have to play a faction that is ultimately and personally responsible for genocide and this will never be washed away there is nothing you can do.

In fact … the probably best thing that could happen is, when we in 10.0 wake up and see everything was just a dream, after we crashed with the Vindikaar and were unconcious after Legion.


You needed one character per class to see all the content in Legion, and that was actually quite popular…


Yeah but you also had the artefact weapon and mount as a incentive to do so.

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It just hit me. Shouldn’t YOU the Horde PC be on Tyrande’s $i#^ list like Nathanos and Sylvanas?

After all, it not hard to put 2 and 2 together you were present during the burning of Teldrassil and you were there to help Nathanos raise night elves into undead. So Tyrande should know the Horde PC by name at this point.

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Schrodinger’s PC. You exist, and don’t exist, at the same time.


All these horde players don’t understand making up for past crimes lol like what

Well, considering the night elves won Darkshore and Tyrande killed the Horde’s main BfA quest giver with this new power, I figure even the more pragmatic Horde PCs would be interested in seeing her wind down and hopefully get over wanting to start another war and kill us all.


Which is why LorThemar and Thrall are scared to death from her.

Not because she could potentially attack them, but because she has probably no interest anymore in using reasonable force, but could jsut unleast pure destruction upon th eHorde with no other interest than completely destroying them.
No interest in conquest or taking prisoners just utter destruction with no hesitation is something you fear, especially when that individual possesses the power to do so before maybe being stopped.

This is not some kind of “ok she might start a war for ressources or strategic wins” but a war for complete anhiliation of the Horde.
That is what they fear with right to do so.

So even Horde players should be interested in that Tyrande does not turn against them now in their even extremely weakened state.

You woudl face a might that could kill old gods and the Legion but you yourself are weakend to a point where mustering 40 soldirs is all you can do.


Wouldn’t the pragmatic choice be just to let her die, though?


Well the Night Warriors story that even the Horde player experiences is, that even though they die, they allways have succeeded in their quest. Securing kalimdor, defeathing the burning legion or an old god infection.

So while Tyrande might ultimately die, she would so by taking the horde with her.

It is not that she just perish away somewhere but in a huge caclysm before.
The Night Warriors death doesn’t seem to be something that happens in mere days, but just eventually while becoming stronger and stronger till that point.

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Depends on whether or not she could somehow find a way out of the Shadowlands on her own. I’d imagine that hypothetically, if Tyrande decided there was no saving herself, she’d probably want to go out with a big bang for revenge.


Actually Tyrande never even considered this an option.
Whe went to Darkshore alone because she didn’t want to harm anyone else in the ritual. She knew also that this ritual is powerfull enough to defeat the Horde alone.

Hence she went there alone.

She knew it would ultimately kill her but she decided to sacrifice herself than any other NE anymore in her quest for revenge.
So in other words she knew she woudl die and decided to accept it to cause havoc on the Horde.

So yes every day Tyrande remains the Night Warrior she becomes appearently stronger and a bigger threat.
Since she know she will die anyway (Since she didn’t even consider to help with Shandris quest to save her), I am pretty sure that she would do exactly that:

So yes. As a Horde you would rather want to have a living Tyrande that is pissed about you than an unstopable Avatar of a goddess that is out for all of you and who has nothing to lose.

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Oh she is not dying for her people vengeance?

Oh…wow… well… that takes a bit of the emotional “feels” of what I thought the “Night Warrior” supposes to invoke… (IMO)

I never like Tyrande even back to WC3 but when read about what it meant to the the Night Warrior (Power to take Vengeance/Defend your people in exchange for your life) I actually saw it like a epic way to exit the stage of such an Old Lore character… It felt super noble (IMO)

Oh well at least Nightelves players wont feel rob out of home and hero… all in one story line. Can’t wait to see how it turns out… things look interesting to say the least. :thinking:

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Depends on the gain.

If the story involves in her killing Sylvanas and taking revenge on the Horde to an equal intensity than Teldrassil has been, fine.

But everything less would still be just getting more of the “spit NE players in the face”.
So I wonder if Blizzard now really dares to do that.

I think we will see Shandris being successfull to be honest.


Isn’t explained somewhere that Sylvanas ordered the shamans of the Horde to make the actual fire spread? Also, the tree didn’t fall down, so maybe part of the structure and moonwells are still there.

yes but even then you have a mountain of wood.
It still would take probably weeks to reach the top and spread out.

Yet still we have the issue that a catapult doesn’t fire miles and miles.
Also … how comes that the shamans could conjure winds while all the druids couldn’t do anything against that who were standing on Teldrassil?
Why didnt they conjure a hurricane or monsoon??