Tyrande's Fate [Spoilers]

Well since the covenants will probably be playing the main role to stop the jailer and our work for them ultimately making them capable to do so, Tyrande might play an even bigger part there.

The Winter queen, Ardenweald and everything around it is connected deeply with Elune and Tyrande is now her Avatar.
It is even stated soemwhere that bestowing the power of the Night Warrior weakens Elune heavyly and for some reason Elune seems to be weakened.

So this whole might come togather that Tyrande ultimately becoming the real Avatar of Elune after the Ardenweald story reveales Elune was unable to help because she had to hold everything togatehr against the jailer for now or so.

I thus doubt we will just have that sidestory with saving Tyrande, this ultimately will lead to a bigger thing …

And I can’t say I am against it after Cata and green Jesus, I am really happy about the fact that Horde players have to help Tyrande and gets a spit in the face every two or three lines.
Would be even funnyer if they have to help stabilizingthe Night Warrior who will then turn against the Horde in 10.0.

Yeah a NE can dream.

You mean like Thalyssra or the highmountain tauren that, after we helped them, went on a genocide trip against the Night Elves and Alliance?

Or any other Horde leader we have helped before bfa.


Yep exactly like that.
Would be a nice change for some time.

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Bwonsamdi literally tried to kill me during the Battle of Dazar’alor. Now I’m helping him just because.


He tried to kill you because you were invader, duh.


And Tyrande tried to kill Horde (didn’t even succeed) because they were genocidal mass murderers AND invaders


This is how Emerald Nightmare was created

True story.


Ok, but the point is that the experiences should be separated. Don’t expect for Horde players to be invested with nelf drama just like Alliance cannot be expected to be invested with troll matters.

It feels artificial in execution.


I would prefer if Horde players would get randomly one shoted by Tyrande when you are questing in the Maw.

Just like the fel reaver in BC did.


So even Tyrande has borrowed power.
This thing feels somewhat cheap and artificial. We didn’t know much about the Night Warrior before Tyrande took on the mantle of power(because it was recently made up) and then after the fact we learn it is fatal. Rather than accepting this rather grim turn of events, it’s just eventually averted. Just spinning wheels.

If anyone wants to know what a Warcraft TV series would look like, it’s this. Create a power and then solve it while using famous characters.

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Well there IS one interesting detail though:
The NIght Warrior customization for NEs.

The army of teh dark moon all have these and teh customization is here to stay.
Though blizzard could just forget about it like they do with a lot, but even if the Night Warrior will be cleansed or whatever, we still have these eyes of players around.

So another possibility could be one theory in which the power of the Night Warrior will be shadred across all (or a huge amount of) NEs.
Preserving the lore reason for the customization and which seems to be possible.
There has been a Nightwarrior who shared his power with one person but that was ultimately not anough.
However sharing it with your whole species might be a different thing.


This.that would actually make it interesting and would showcase how meddling with powers you don’t understabd can be fatal. Regardless of intentions.

I don’t understand who the target audience is for this story or in what way anyone is meant to find it exciting. It sounds like we’re going to spend X many hours following Tyrande around, trying to depower her in order to save her. It manages to be boring for non-NE alliance players, annoying for NE players, and seemingly pointless for Horde players.


We don’t know wether or not we depower her.

We try to find a way so that the power does not kill her.
It is your or the peoples imagination that the only way to save Tyrande is to get the Night Warrior out of her.

Yet there are equally valid solutions that make her keep it.

  • She becoming the Avatar of Elune.
  • She becoming a “wildgod” thing aswell.
  • She just mangges to stop the power groth
  • She is the chosen of Elune and thus the death toll doesn’t effect her.
  • Elune herself intervenes as she did before with her.

On the other hand we have had this borrowd power stuff with Thrall and the dragonsoul aswell.

Poeple just seem to focus on ONE possible solution.

I personally doubt that Tyrande gets rid of the power simply because Blizzard spend so much time to get her a new model. I doubt this will be replaced so soon.

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I mean, outside of the hardcore Night Elf fans…really not many players on either side have a vested interested in saving Tyrande. I mostly play alliance(due to my love of the worgen), and blizz still hasn’t convinced me why I should care if she dies or not.


Well at least Vol’jin doesn’t hate your guts and talk crap to you.


He doesn’t have any reason to.

Tyrande as a character has motivation enough to hate the Horde and Its members.

But, It is valid not to want to follow Tyrande’s storyline as a Horde, but if you want to be a nightfae, is the price, same as Alliance following loas. If you don’t eant to be nightfae you won’t see none of it.



And we destroyed most of everything she ever loved. The horde player characters prove to be super bi-polar if we help Tyrande.

I’d prefer if they kept the story faction specific, but theoretically that means blizz would need to make double the content… good luck getting that from them.

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And how popular was that?

I just wanted to know if the writers have, y’know, LEARNED anything since Cataclysm.

I’m not even angry about it; I’m just too busy headscratching.


Not to mention it was skippable quest. You only did it if you wanted the cloack.

Meanwhile in the very same expansion we had to cooperate with Malfurion a lot.