Tyrande scenario updated (spoilers)

I highly doubt she has the power or will to restore a world tree and its inhabitants for the deeds of one person.

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It’s really the only way the story can moved forward :stuck_out_tongue: you know in your heart of hearts most of what I predicted there is right lol

So… do we get to see Tyrande using the might of the night warrior for something other that killing a Val’kyr and pestering Nathanos?


She kills some Super Powerful Mawsworn (his name is the name of the jail cell where we find the Runescarver) and is literally exploding with death energy throughout the quest

That’s a whole revert of the status quo. Blizzard isn’t Marvel.

We just survived going into a Lovecraftian dimension to fight an Old God while dealing with a giant sword in the world that is very much still there after going on spaceships to fight on another planet, what do you mean

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I’m saying we’re not getting Blizzard’s take of a Brand New Day.

At this point, given that we will already have saved all the Night Elves in the 9.0 Covenant Campaign, and Ysera is trying to save Tyrande and feels bad for not being around, and the Winter Queen is also weakened due to a lack of power in Ardenweald, a place that throws beings back into reality who died, what do you think is going to happen? What’s the logical, obvious conclusion to these plots, for you?


It’s revealed that Elune didn’t intervene because she saw Tyrande would use her NW ritual, would go to the Maw, and would be rescued as a way for Elune to spread her power throughout Ardenweald to cover for the missing Anima.

Then the NE souls use Drust magic to March through the Emerald dream and get bound to constructs

Blizzard, hire this person. RIGHT NOW!


Wait what is that true? It sounds something that blizzard would do tbh.

my only critique is that it would basically be night elves stealing draenei tech with the soulbinding

It’s what I see happening, not that it has

You had me as “sure its possible” except this point

I do not see them doing this at all.

Mark my words, WQ is Elune’s daughter :eyes:

Ehm watching the stream right now.

Jesus christ she is even more underwhelming than Jaina is she just goes around and says “vengeance for teldrassil” while auto attacking and casting some aoe that does like less than half a percent of the enemies health.
She should just roll a mage or something Jesus christ. “too potent for mortals” lolz.

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WoW is a set piece game. Heavy hitters never get to shine in big moments because it detracts from you.

It makes the “heroes” look underwhelming

After the stuff jaina pulled with like impaling giant mobs and having other stuff I doubt what you are saying to be true.


Yeah no Jaina is full clearing the maw solo and Tyrande is like “grr rawr pew pew rawr pew argh grrr” unable to kill an add


It’s also beta and probably not done

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Could say the same about the jaina stuff.

nah some of the assets for the zone design are made permanently post jaina freezing some stuff

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